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[英]Rendering components based on multiple conditions in Reactjs

I need to improve the rendering logic so as avoid confusing multiple ternary operators.我需要改进渲染逻辑以避免混淆多个三元运算符。 What could be the best way to do this.什么是最好的方法来做到这一点。 I was looking for a way to use the HOC pattern for conditional render here.我在这里寻找一种使用 HOC 模式进行条件渲染的方法。 Kindly provide suggestions.请提供建议。


firstCondition ? 
<FirstComponent props1={props1} props2={props2} /> : 
secondCondition || thirdCondition ? 
<SecondComponent props1={props1} props2={props2} /> : 
fourthCondition ? 
<ThirdComponent props1={props1} props2={props2} /> :
<FourthComponent props1={props1} props2={props2} />

} }

let renderContent;

if (firstCondidtion) {
    renderContent =  <FirstComponent />
else if (secondCondidtion) {
    renderContent =  <SecondComponent />
    renderContent = 
            <ThirdComponent />
            <FourthComponent />

return renderContent


return (
     {firstCondition && <FirstComponent />}
     {secondCondition && <secondComponent />}
     {thirdCondition && <><ThirdComponent /><FourthComponent /></>}

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