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使用 Vanilla Javascript 和减量创建硬币翻转和这个

[英]Creating Coin Flip using Vanilla Javascript and decrement and this

I need to make a coin flip 20x and display the coin, and the results x times each.我需要将硬币翻转 20 次并显示硬币,结果每次显示 x 次。 I am trying to use decrement to determine the coin flip.我正在尝试使用减量来确定硬币翻转。 And then need to display the flip x number of times.然后需要显示翻转x次。 I am running into an issue of how to write it using this.我遇到了如何使用它编写它的问题。 and decrement.和递减。

const coin = {
    state: 0,
    flip: function () {
        this.state = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 0 ? "tails" : "heads";

        //    0 or 1: use "this.state" to access the "state" property on this object.
    toString: function () {
        if (this.state === 0) {
            sides = "heads";
        } else if (this.state === 1) {
            sides = "tails";
        return sides;

    toHTML: function () {
        const image = document.createElement("img");
        let h1 = document.querySelector("h1");
        if (this.state === 0) {
            image.src = "images/tails.png";
        } else if (this.state === 1) {
            image.src = "image/heads.png";

        return image;

function display20Flips() {
    const results = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        h3.innerHTML += coin.state;

You can also approach it functionally.您也可以在功能上接近它。 This will help you focus on one problem at a time:这将帮助您一次专注于一个问题:

 // Store the coin flip state as a boolean (true or false) function randomBoolean () { return Boolean(Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)); } // Convert the boolean state to a "side" string // heads is false, tails is true function asCoinSide (bool) { return bool ? 'tails' : 'heads'; } function createCoinImage (bool) { const side = asCoinSide(bool); const image = document.createElement('img'); image.alt = side; // StackOverflow doesn't have access to your local images, // so this will show an error in the code snippet demo // when the URL is loaded, but will work if the images exist: image.src = `images/${side}.png`; return image; } function displayCoinFlips (count = 20) { const div = document.querySelector('div.coins'); const results = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { // Get a state const state = randomBoolean(); results.push(state); // Use the state to create the image const image = createCoinImage(state); // And append it to the container div div.appendChild(image); } return results; } function displaySummary (states) { const div = document.querySelector('div.summary'); let headsCount = 0; let tailsCount = 0; // Count the heads vs. tails results // Remember: heads is false, tails is true for (const state of states) { if (state) tailsCount += 1; else headsCount += 1; } div.textContent = `Heads: ${headsCount}, Tails: ${tailsCount}`; } const states = displayCoinFlips(); displaySummary(states);
 <div class="coins"></div> <div class="summary"></div>

You had some issues with your code.您的代码有一些问题。 I fixed them.我修好了它们。 Still, the code needs to be a little redesigned to have a class Coin and then coin = new Coin() .尽管如此,代码还是需要重新设计一下,使其拥有一个Coin类,然后是coin = new Coin()

 const coin = { state: 0, flip: function() { this.state = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 0 ? "tails" : "heads"; }, toString: function() { if (this.state === 0) { sides = "heads"; } else if (this.state === 1) { sides = "tails"; } return sides; }, toHTML: function() { let h1 = document.querySelector(".container"); const div = document.createElement("div"); if (this.state === "tails") { div.innerText = "images/tails.png"; } else { div.innerText = "image/heads.png"; } h1.append(div); return div; }, }; function displayFlips(n) { const results = []; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { coin.flip(); coin.toHTML(); results.push(coin.state); } return results; } console.log(displayFlips(20));
 <div class="container"> </div>

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