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如何通过 httpx 传递带有 nemes 的文件的表单

[英]how to pass form with files with nemes via httpx

I am trying to send data to gotenberg container via httpx lib.我正在尝试通过 httpx lib 将数据发送到gotenberg容器。

r = httpx.post(
         "index.html": file_bytes,
         "marginTop": 0.4,
         "marginBottom": 0.45,  # 0.39 minimum for appending page number
         "marginLeft": 0.1,
         "marginRight": 0.1,

but i got error但我有错误

('Error from gotenberg, %r , %r', 400, b"Invalid form data: form file 'index.html' is required")

Any ideas why filename not passed via httpx lib为什么文件名不通过 h​​ttpx lib 传递的任何想法

https://www.python-httpx.org/quickstart/ Search there "Sending Multipart File Uploads" https://www.python-httpx.org/quickstart/在那里搜索“发送多部分文件上传”

>>> files = {'{file}': open('report.xls', 'rb')}
>>> r = httpx.post("{url}", files=files)
>>> print(r.text)
  "files": {
    "{file}": "<... binary content ...>"

Where {file} is the name of field in your {url}-endpoint schema
def test_file(
    {file}: UploadFile

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