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当我执行 helm install XYZ 时,哪个文件/脚本首先运行?

[英]Which file/script runs first when i do helm install XYZ?

When I do hel install <app_name> which file or script among the chart.yaml, values.yaml or any other.当我安装 <app_name> 时,chart.yaml、values.yaml 或任何其他文件或脚本中的哪个文件或脚本。

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

The only thing that matters is the order in which resources are submitted to the Kubernetes cluster.唯一重要的是资源提交到 Kubernetes 集群的顺序。 The Chart.yaml and values.yaml files do not contain any executable code and they don't "run" per se . Chart.yamlvalues.yaml文件不包含任何可执行代码,它们本身并不“运行”。 Each of the files in templates/ is processed independently, there is no global state, and a template file doesn't produce anything other than its YAML output, so the template files could be processed in any order or even all at the same time and you'd get the same result. templates/中的每个文件都是独立处理的,没有全局状态,模板文件除了 YAML 输出之外不会产生任何东西,因此模板文件可以按任何顺序处理,甚至可以同时处理,并且你会得到相同的结果。

Helm does have a specific order in which it submits different kinds of objects to a cluster. Helm 确实有一个特定的顺序,它向集群提交不同类型的对象。 These are intended to minimize problems from object dependencies being unresolved.这些旨在最大程度地减少未解决的对象依赖关系所带来的问题。 For example, a Deployment can reference a ConfigMap, so ConfigMap is early in that list and Deployment much later on.例如,一个 Deployment 可以引用一个 ConfigMap,因此 ConfigMap 在该列表的前面,而 ​​Deployment 则在后面。 Within each Kubernetes object kind, the objects are submitted in arbitrary order.在每个 Kubernetes 对象类型中,对象以任意顺序提交。

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