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Golang:MongoDB - 计算投影中嵌套数组的长度

[英]Golang: MongoDB - count length of nested arrays in Projection

In MongoDB i like to count all length of nested arrays togehter.在 MongoDB 中,我喜欢计算嵌套数组的所有长度。 It is just one mongoDB document.它只是一个 mongoDB 文档。

idForDB := "621101966rf42c24a8f41b87"
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second * 20)
defer cancel()
options := options.FindOneOptions{
        Projection: bson.M{
            "test":          "$test",
            "count": bson.M{}, // count should placed here
result := clients.MongoClient.Database("somedb").Collection("somecollection").FindOne(ctx, bson.M{"_id": idForDB}, &options)

All objects under number are to be counted编号下的所有物体都将被计算在内

                "value": "1"
                "value": "2"
                "value": "2"
                "value": "1"
                "value": "2"
                "value": "2"
                "value": "1"
                "value": "2"

The output for the "Number" field should be 8 because there are 8 documents under the "number" object. “数字”字段的输出应该是 8,因为“数字”对象下有 8 个文档。

Using mongoDB syntax, you can use $reduce for it:使用 mongoDB 语法,您可以使用$reduce

  {$project: {
      test: "$test",
      count: {
        $reduce: {
          input: "$list",
          initialValue: 0,
          in: {$add: ["$$value", {$size: "$$this.number"}]}

See how it works on the playground example看看它在操场上的例子是如何工作的

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