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[英]DropDown a ComboBox in a sheet, NOT on a UserForm

In an Excel sheet, NOT on a UserForm - Trying to come up with a code to be able to drop down a combo box, ie to get it to open.在 Excel 工作表中,而不是在用户窗体上 - 试图想出一个能够下拉组合框的代码,即打开它。 Might use it to trigger with hover over a shape.可以使用它来触发悬停在形状上。 But, get a "Compile error: Invalid use of Me keyword", and without "Me."但是,得到一个“编译错误:无效使用 Me 关键字”,并且没有“Me”。 get "Run-time error '424': Object required"得到“运行时错误'424':需要对象”

Sub ActivateCB1()
End Sub

Me only works in a code module attached to (eg) a worksheet or userform Me只在附加到(例如)工作表或用户表单的代码模块中工作

Sub ActivateCB1()
    With ActiveSheet.ComboBox1
    End With
End Sub

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