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[英]Remove an element if it contains a specific word

I have a button that adds a specific word to a <li> in a <ul> .我有一个按钮,可以将特定单词添加到 < <ul> <li>中。 There is also a button to have a <li> containing a specific word removed.还有一个按钮可以删除包含特定单词的<li>

I really thought includes() or match() would work, but they aren't.我真的认为includes()match()会起作用,但事实并非如此。

Below is a simplified version of my site.以下是我网站的简化版本。 So lastChild or removeChild doesn't actually work in my case, despite being the obvious answer.所以lastChildremoveChild在我的情况下实际上不起作用,尽管答案很明显。 This is because the <li> being removed may be in a random spot in the <ul> .这是因为被删除的<li>可能位于<ul>中的随机位置。

I also can't code the specific word like includes(month) .我也无法编码特定的单词,例如includes(month) It needs to be includes(WORD_BANK[0][0]) .它需要includes(WORD_BANK[0][0])

 const WORD_BANK = [ ["day", "1"], ["month", "2"], ["year", "3"] ]; let counter = 0; function addTo() { document.getElementById("list").innerHTML += `<li>${WORD_BANK[counter][0]}<br>${WORD_BANK[counter][1]}</li>`; counter++; } function takeOut() { document.querySelector("li").innerHTML.includes(WORD_BANK[0][0]).remove(); }
 <ul id="list"></ul> <button id="add" onclick="addTo()">ADD</button> <button id="remove" onclick="takeOut()">REMOVE</button>

First, you need querySelectAll to get all li elements, and you need to use find method to find the li which includes the text.首先,您需要querySelectAll来获取所有li元素,并且您需要使用find方法找到includes文本的li

 const WORD_BANK = [ ["day", "1"], ["month", "2"], ["year", "3"] ]; let counter = 0; function addTo() { if (counter >= 3) { console.log('All array has been added'); return }; document.getElementById("list").innerHTML += `<li>${WORD_BANK[counter][0]}<br>${WORD_BANK[counter][1]}</li>`; counter++; } function takeOut() { const element = [...document.querySelectorAll("li")].find(li => li.textContent.includes(WORD_BANK[counter - 1][0])) if (element) { element.remove() --counter; } else { console.log('element not exist') } }
 <ul id="list"></ul> <button id="add" onclick="addTo()">ADD</button> <button id="remove" onclick="takeOut()">REMOVE</button>

 const WORD_BANK = [ ["day", "1"], ["month", "2"], ["year", "3"] ]; let counter = 0; function addTo() { document.getElementById("list").innerHTML += `<li>${WORD_BANK[counter][0]}<br>${WORD_BANK[counter][1]}</li>`; counter++; } function takeOut() { const ele = document.querySelectorAll("li"); if (ele.length > 0) { ele[counter - 1].remove(); counter--; } }
 <ul id="list"></ul> <button id="add" onclick="addTo()">ADD</button> <button id="remove" onclick="takeOut()">REMOVE</button>

If you really want to do with includes then:如果您真的想使用包含,那么:

 const WORD_BANK = [ ["day", "1"], ["month", "2"], ["year", "3"] ]; let counter = 0; function addTo() { if (counter > WORD_BANK.length - 1) return; // check document.getElementById( "list" ).innerHTML += `<li>${WORD_BANK[counter][0]}<br>${WORD_BANK[counter][1]}</li>`; counter++; } function takeOut() { if (counter < 1) return; // check --counter; Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("li")) .find((e) => e.innerHTML.includes(WORD_BANK[counter][0])) .remove(); }
 <ul id="list"></ul> <button id="add" onclick="addTo()">ADD</button> <button id="remove" onclick="takeOut()">REMOVE</button>

You don't really need neither includes or match if you are going to remove elements without any specific order.如果您要删除没有任何特定顺序的元素,则实际上不需要includesmatch

Here's an error free version of your desired outcome I guess:我猜这是您想要的结果的无错误版本:

 const WORD_BANK = [ ["day", "1"], ["month", "2"], ["year", "3"], ]; let counter = 0; function addTo() { const list = document.getElementById("list"); if (counter < WORD_BANK.length) { const liMock = `<li>${WORD_BANK[counter][0]}<br>${WORD_BANK[counter][1]}</li>`; list.innerHTML += liMock; counter++; } } function takeOut() { const li = document.querySelector("li"); if (li) { li.remove(); counter--; } }
 <ul id="list"></ul> <button id="add" onclick="addTo()">ADD</button> <button id="remove" onclick="takeOut()">REMOVE</button>

Try this one.试试这个。

 const WORD_BANK = [ ["day", "1"], ["month", "2"], ["year", "3"] ]; let counter = 0; function addTo() { counter = counter % WORD_BANK.length; // for avoiding index out of range error const node = document.createElement("li"); const textnode = document.createTextNode(`${WORD_BANK[counter][1]} - ${WORD_BANK[counter][0]}`); node.appendChild(textnode); document.getElementById("list").appendChild(node); counter = counter % WORD_BANK.length + 1; } function takeOut() { const list = document.getElementById("list"); if (list.hasChildNodes()) { for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(list.children)) { if(value.textContent.includes(WORD_BANK[0][0])) { list.removeChild(list.children[key]); } } } }
 <ul id="list"></ul> <button id="add" onclick="addTo();">ADD</button> <button id="remove" onclick="takeOut();">REMOVE</button>

problem with your takeOut function in you use includes which return boolean not an dom element so it cause error.您使用的takeOut函数的问题includes返回布尔值而不是 dom 元素,因此会导致错误。
we use two way to remove childs.我们使用两种方法来删除孩子。

  1. if you want to remove last child by accessing lastChild key in selected element object.如果您想通过访问所选元素对象中的lastChild键来删除最后一个孩子。
  2. by check innerText value against your WORD_BANK[0][0] in selected element通过检查所选元素中的WORD_BANK[0][0]的 innerText 值

 const WORD_BANK = [ ["day", "1"], ["month", "2"], ["year", "3"] ]; let counter = 0; function addTo() { if (counter < 3) { document.getElementById("list").innerHTML += `<li>${WORD_BANK[counter][0]}<br>${WORD_BANK[counter][1]}</li>`; counter++; } } function takeOut() { // if want to remove last child li // if (counter > 0 && counter <= 3) { // document.getElementById("list").lastChild.remove(); // counter--; // } // if you want to remove by innerText key of li const dj = document.getElementById("list")?.children; Object.keys(dj).forEach(e => { if(dj[e]?.innerText?.includes(WORD_BANK[0][0])) { dj[e].remove(); counter--; } }) }
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <ul id="list"></ul> <button id="add" onclick="addTo()">ADD</button> <button id="remove" onclick="takeOut()">REMOVE</button> </body> </html>

Try this,尝试这个,

 let WORD_BANK = [ ["day", "1"], ["month", "2"], ["year", "3"] ]; let counter = 0; let listData function addTo() { document.getElementById("list").innerHTML += `<li>${WORD_BANK[counter][0]}<br>${WORD_BANK[counter][1]}</li>`; counter++; } function takeOut() { const list = document.getElementById("list") list.removeChild(list.firstElementChild); }
 <ul id="list"> </ul> <button id="add" onclick="addTo()">ADD</button> <button id="remove" onclick="takeOut()">REMOVE</button>

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