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JWE 如何处理 OIDC 中的请求对象

[英]How JWE works with Request Object in OIDC

I wanted to use encrypted local PASETO tokens for the Request Object in the OIDC, but it turns out that I need to store the key somewhere to decrypt this request object, and it must be available unencrypted/unhashed as it will need the Request Object to decrypt.我想为 OIDC 中的Request Object使用加密的本地 PASETO 令牌,但事实证明我需要将密钥存储在某处以解密此请求对象,并且它必须是未加密/未散列可用的,因为它需要Request Object解密。 So I will have to store it as plain text in a database?所以我必须将它作为纯文本存储在数据库中? Pretty dangerous.相当危险。 So I started to wonder how JWE works, but the documentation from https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7516#section-5.1 about JWE encryption is quite confusing for me.所以我开始想知道 JWE 是如何工作的,但是https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7516#section-5.1中关于 JWE 加密的文档让我很困惑。 Does JWE solve this problem of storing a symmetric key in a database as plain text or does it have other ways? JWE 是否解决了将对称密钥作为纯文本存储在数据库中的问题,还是有其他方法?

There are a few different solutions here, which solve different problems:这里有几种不同的解决方案,可以解决不同的问题:


These can be used when the app wants to prevent information disclosure.当应用程序想要防止信息泄露时,可以使用这些。 They are issued by the Authorization Server, which uses a public key to encrypt them.它们由授权服务器发布,授权服务器使用公钥对其进行加密。 There is then a burden on the app to maintain a private key to decrypt them.然后应用程序有负担维护私钥来解密它们。 See the Encrypted ID Tokens for some example usage.有关示例用法,请参阅加密的 ID 令牌


These are often used to protect against man in the browser tampering.这些通常用于防止man in the browser篡改。 The app only needs to deal with public keys, which it already has access to, so the solution is easier to manage.该应用程序只需要处理它已经可以访问的公钥,因此该解决方案更易于管理。 Newer standards such as PAR and JARM are used, as in this summary .本摘要所示,使用了PARJARM等较新的标准。


If you want to avoid revealing sensitive data in access token JWTs, then the usual technique is to return only opaque access tokens to internet clients.如果您想避免在访问令牌 JWT 中泄露敏感数据,那么通常的技术是仅将不透明的访问令牌返回给 Internet 客户端。 This is easier to manage than encryption.这比加密更容易管理。 See the Phantom Token Pattern for how this works.请参阅Phantom Token Pattern了解其工作原理。


I would usually avoid introducing key management into apps.我通常会避免将密钥管理引入应用程序。 Aim to manage this in the Authorization Server instead.旨在改为在授权服务器中进行管理。

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