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是否有使用 OPC UA 规范第 14 部分 Pub/Sub 的示例?

[英]Is there examples of using the OPC UA spec part 14 Pub/Sub?

I am searching to do a program using part 14 of OPC UA to create an application.我正在寻找使用 OPC UA 的第 14 部分来创建应用程序的程序。 For now, I am coding in python.现在,我正在用 python 编码。 My current program uses the part 4 Subscription to have the value of a variable in a simulated PLC each time it changes, then a PubSub model with MQTT publishes a string with the new value which is read in another program to print it.我当前的程序使用第 4 部分订阅在每次更改时在模拟 PLC 中获取变量的值,然后带有 MQTT 的 PubSub 模型发布带有新值的字符串,该字符串在另一个程序中读取以打印它。

I understand that there is a way to do an OPC UA PubSub model but I don't know how to do it.我知道有一种方法可以制作 OPC UA PubSub 模型,但我不知道该怎么做。 Moreover, I saw that there is a way to construct the information to publish (mapping?) but I don't know if there is a function that does it automatically and what are the advantages of this method.此外,我看到有一种方法可以构建要发布的信息(映射?),但我不知道是否有自动完成它的功能,这种方法有什么优点。

I would like to know if my way of doing is correct or if I missed something when I was searching on the internet.我想知道我的做法是否正确,或者我在网上搜索时是否遗漏了什么。 And do you know if there are examples that can inspire me?你知道是否有可以启发我的例子吗?

there is the following example of the OPC Foundation: https://github.com/OPCFoundation/UA-IIoT-StarterKit有以下 OPC 基金会的例子: https ://github.com/OPCFoundation/UA-IIoT-StarterKit

Maybe this helps you.也许这对你有帮助。

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