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如何在一个图像输出(python matplotlib)中将结果显示为多个图上的标题?

[英]how to display results as titles on multiple plots in one image output (python matplotlib)?

What i have done: I am plotting mean values of a distribution of 'v' values on an xy grid.我所做的:我正在绘制 xy 网格上“v”值分布的平均值。 I choose only those cells in the grid that have mean>2 and I plot them and make them appear as a single image on my console (jupyter notebook).我只选择网格中平均值> 2 的那些单元格,然后绘制它们并使它们在我的控制台(jupyter notebook)上显示为单个图像。

What I want to do: I want the mean value of each plot to appear as the title of that particular plot in image.我想要做什么:我希望每个图的平均值显示为图像中该特定图的标题。 Any ideas on how to do that?关于如何做到这一点的任何想法? Thanks!谢谢!

The full code is:完整的代码是:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


x = x // 4 
y = y // 4 
cells = [[[] for y in range(k)] for x in range(k)] #creating cells or pixels on x-y plane

#letting v values to fall into the grid cells
for ycell in range(k):
    for xcell in range(k):
        cells[ycell][xcell] = v[(y  == ycell) & (x  == xcell)]
for ycell in range(k):
     for xcell in range(k):
        this = cells[ycell][xcell] 
#getting mean from velocity values in each cell
mean_v = [[[] for y in range(k)] for x in range(k)]
to_plot = []

for ycell in range(k):
    for xcell in range(k):
        cells[ycell][xcell] = v[(y== ycell) & (x== xcell)]
        mean_v[ycell][xcell] = np.mean(cells[ycell][xcell])
        if mean_v[ycell][xcell]>2:
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20, 10)

SIZE = 5   
f, ax = plt.subplots(SIZE,SIZE)

for idx, data in enumerate(to_plot):
    x = idx % SIZE
    y = idx // SIZE
    ax[y, x].hist(data)

In your list to_plot , you can hold tuples of (cell, title) and then use set_title to set the title of each subplot.在您的列表to_plot中,您可以保存(cell, title)的元组,然后使用set_title设置每个子图的标题。

for ycell in range(k):
    for xcell in range(k):
        cells[ycell][xcell] = v[(y== ycell) & (x== xcell)]
        mean_v[ycell][xcell] = np.mean(cells[ycell][xcell])
        if mean_v[ycell][xcell]>2:
            to_plot.append((cells[ycell][xcell], mean_v[ycell][xcell]))
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20, 10)

SIZE = 5   
f, ax = plt.subplots(SIZE,SIZE)

for idx, data in enumerate(to_plot):
    x = idx % SIZE
    y = idx // SIZE
    ax[y, x].hist(data[0])
    ax[y, x].set_title(f'Mean = {data[1]}')


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