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无法用文件替换到目录 /var/lib/docker/overlay2/if2ip5okvavl8u6jpdtpczuog/merged/app/node_modules/@ampproject/remapping

[英]cannot replace to directory /var/lib/docker/overlay2/if2ip5okvavl8u6jpdtpczuog/merged/app/node_modules/@ampproject/remapping with file

On my Windows machine, I am attempting to build a containerized node.js application with the following Dockerfile:在我的 Windows 机器上,我正在尝试使用以下 Dockerfile 构建容器化的 node.js 应用程序:

  # use latest version of nodejs
  FROM node:lts-alpine
  # install aurelia-cli to build the app & http-server to serve static contents
  RUN npm i -g http-server
  RUN npm i -g aurelia-cli
  # set working directory to app
  # henceforth all commands will run inside this folder
  WORKDIR /app
  # copy package.json related files first and install all required dependencies
  COPY package*.json ./
  RUN npm install
  # copy the rest of the files and folders & install dependencies
  COPY . ./
  RUN npm run build
  # by default http-server will serve contents on port 8080
  # so we expose this port to host machine
  EXPOSE 8080
  CMD [ "http-server" , "dist" ]

However, docker build .但是, docker build . fails at the line Copy . ./Copy . ./ Copy . ./ . Copy . ./ . with the message cannot replace to directory /var/lib/docker/overlay2/if2ip5okvavl8u6jpdtpczuog/merged/app/node_modules/@ampproject/remapping with file .消息cannot replace to directory /var/lib/docker/overlay2/if2ip5okvavl8u6jpdtpczuog/merged/app/node_modules/@ampproject/remapping with file

What do I need to do to get my container image to build?我需要做什么来构建我的容器映像?

Add node_modules to a .dockerignore file in the same directory as your Dockerfile, as outlined here : (h/t David Maze ).node_modules添加到与 Dockerfile 位于同一目录中的.dockerignore文件中如下所述:(h/t David Maze )。

Less gracefully, simply delete the project's node_modules directory then rerun docker build .不太优雅,只需删除项目的node_modules目录,然后重新运行 docker docker build


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