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[英]Can you change the string of an instanced string class

I have this class:我有这堂课:

class A(str):            
    def __str__(self):
        return "the string"
    def __repr__(self):
        return "the repr"

a = A("change me")

Running print a returns the string运行print a返回the string

Running repr(a) returns the repr运行repr(a)返回the repr

Running a returns change me经营回报change me a

The problem问题

Running the instance a returns the string used to instantiate the class.运行实例a返回用于实例化类的字符串。 How can I change this string in the instance after instantiation?实例化后如何在实例中更改此字符串?

The returns of __str__ and __repr___ are not the problem, as in certain situations rather than calling these methods the instance is called directly. __str____repr___的返回不是问题,因为在某些情况下,不是直接调用这些方法,而是直接调用实例。 So where you may expect __repr__ to return, the instance returns the instantiation string instead.因此,在您可能期望__repr__返回的地方,实例会返回实例化字符串。

I have been unable to find any attributes within the string class to change this.我一直无法在字符串类中找到任何属性来更改它。 Most solutions I've tried require you to re-instance the a variable, which I don't want to do.我尝试过的大多数解决方案都要求您重新实例化a变量,我不想这样做。 I want to change the string from within the current instance of the object class variable.我想从对象类变量的当前实例中更改字符串。

I have tried rebuilding the class through methods utilising __new__ and type() .我尝试通过使用__new__type()的方法来重建类。 However, this seems to require re-instancing the stored class variable, as recreating the class creates a duplicate and does not update the current instance.但是,这似乎需要重新实例化存储的类变量,因为重新创建类会创建一个副本并且不会更新当前实例。

I am limited to using Python 2.7, due to pipeline constraints.由于管道限制,我仅限于使用 Python 2.7。

I have a potential answer, although it feels VERY bad and hacky.我有一个潜在的答案,虽然感觉非常糟糕和hacky。

class A(str):            
    def __str__(self):
        return "the string"

    def __repr__(self):
        return "the repr"
    def _instance_name(self):
        return [k for k, v in globals().items() if v is self]
    def change(self, new_string):
        name = self._instance_name()

        if name:
            globals()[name[0]] = type('A', (A, ), self.__dict__)(new_string)

a = A("change me")

Running a returns change me经营回报change me a

a.change("I have changed")

Running a returns I have changed a退货I have changed

Changing globals this way feels like welcoming the end times, but it's the only solution I've found so far.以这种方式更改全局变量感觉就像迎接末世,但这是我迄今为止找到的唯一解决方案。 Any other potential methods would be appreciated!任何其他潜在的方法将不胜感激!

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