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如何使用 ESP32 提高蓝牙传输功率和吞吐量

[英]How to improve Bluetooth transmit power and throughput with ESP32

I installed the sample programs of ble_spp_server and ble_spp_client on the two ESP32-DEVKITCs respectively, and communicating between those devices.我分别在两个 ESP32-DEVKITC 上安装了 ble_spp_server 和 ble_spp_client 的示例程序,并在这些设备之间进行通信。 In the case of sending a large amount of data from the server to the client at once when the radio wave condition is bad, we are in trouble because of data omission.在电波条件不好的情况下,从服务器一次向客户端发送大量数据的情况下,我们会因为数据遗漏而陷入困境。 Is there any way to increase the Bluetooth transmission output and throughput?有什么办法可以增加蓝牙传输输出和吞吐量?

Assuming you have a ESP32-DevKitC-32UE with an IPEX connection, add an external IPEX antenna.假设您有一个带有 IPEX 连接的 ESP32-DevKitC-32UE,请添加一个外部 IPEX 天线。 There are various tutorials on how to connect it.有各种关于如何连接它的教程。 This one is for an ESP32-CAM , but it should be a similar process. 这是一个用于 ESP32-CAM 的,但它应该是一个类似的过程。 If you only have access to the PCB antenna, and it's not sufficient, you probably will need to get a different board that accepts an external antenna.如果您只能使用 PCB 天线,而且还不够,您可能需要获得一个可以接受外部天线的不同电路板。

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