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[英]mod_rewrite rules

I'm trying to get the data after the URL and sent back to the home page. 我正在尝试获取URL之后的数据并发送回首页。 I have had errors in the .htaccess file on one server so I am trying it out on another server. 我在一台服务器上的.htaccess文件中有错误,所以我正在另一台服务器上尝试它。

The links down the side of http://www.newbiemoneymakers.com/bank/ should do directly to http://www.newbiemoneymakers.com/bank/index.php where I then get the title. http://www.newbiemoneymakers.com/bank/下方的链接应直接指向http://www.newbiemoneymakers.com/bank/index.php ,然后在其中获得标题。

My .htaccess file says: 我的.htaccess文件说:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^http://www.newbiemoneymakers.com/bank/([^/\.]+)/?$ index.php?title=$1 [L]

My index page says: 我的索引页面说:



    $activeTab = "navhome"; 
    $sent = false;

    $title = (isset($_GET['title']))? mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['title']) : 'Home';    
    $title = str_replace('-',' ', $title);

    if($title != '') {  

        $sql = "SELECT * 
                FROM contents 
                WHERE name LIKE '%$title%'
                LIMIT 1";

        $result = @mysql_query($sql);       
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);      

    //Set page title
    $pagetitle = (isset($row['name']) && $title != 'Home')? ucwords($row['name']) : "Bank Charges";

But when I click on any of the links (eg http://www.newbiemoneymakers.com/bank/bank-charges-refund/ ) it gives me a 404 page! 但是,当我单击任何链接(例如http://www.newbiemoneymakers.com/bank/bank-charges-refund/ )时,它会显示404页!

Do you know where I am going wrong? 你知道我要去哪里错吗?

Ian 伊恩

The pattern of a RewriteRule is just tested agains the URI path (in .htaccess files without the contextual per-directory prefix, so in the root directory without the leading / ). 只需再次测试URI路径(在不带上下文每个目录前缀的.htaccess文件中,因此在根目录中不带/ )再次测试RewriteRule的模式。

So this should work: 所以这应该工作:

RewriteRule ^bank/([^/.]+)/?$ bank/index.php?title=$1 [L]

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