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[英]Encrypt a string in power virtual agent and power automate

I have created a bot using power virtual agent which will assist user in changing their password.我使用 power virtual agent 创建了一个机器人,它将帮助用户更改密码。 User need to pass their current and new password for this.用户需要为此传递他们的当前密码和新密码。 And then I am calling power automate flow and then making use of API https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/changePassword to change password by passing body as然后我调用电源自动化流程,然后使用 API https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/changePassword通过将正文传递为来更改密码

    "currentPassword": "Test123456",
    "newPassword": "Test12345678"

I see a security issue here wherein execution history gets stored in power automate and admin can see users passwords using it.我在这里看到了一个安全问题,其中执行历史记录存储在电源自动化中,管理员可以看到使用它的用户密码。 Any idea on how to overcome this?关于如何克服这个问题的任何想法?

You can enable secure input and secure output in the settings an Power Automate actions.您可以在 Power Automate 操作的设置中启用安全输入和安全输出。


After enabling it will show up like below in the flow history.启用后,它将在流程历史记录中显示如下。


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