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[英]Wrong use of enumerate

I have a problem with my code: I have this array of tot我的代码有问题:我有这个数组

[112 100  22  90  12  48 115  85  13  40  99  93 100  27  21  14  23 100]

I defined a random solution function:我定义了一个随机解函数:

def randomSolution():
    somma = 0;
    for i in enumerate(tot): 
        if somma<=3600: 
            countS[i] = 1
            somma = somma + tot[i]
    return countS
rand_sol = randomSolution()

but Jupiter lab underlines me但木星实验室强调了我

Index Error: too many indices for array.索引错误:数组索引过多。

Can someone help me?有人能帮我吗?

I'm trying to be very forgiving of the way this questions was posed.我试图非常宽容地提出这个问题的方式。 I take it you are just trying to understand how to populate an array called countS我认为您只是想了解如何填充一个名为countS的数组

  1. First things first, your array has no delimiters, which is a non-starter.首先,您的数组没有分隔符,这是一个非首发。 I've added commas to help us get over this hurdled.我添加了逗号来帮助我们克服这个障碍。

  2. You never provided countS , so I just created an empty list for us to fill.您从未提供countS ,所以我只是创建了一个空列表供我们填写。

  3. Because countS is originally an empty list, you can't index it iteratively.因为countS 本来就是一个空列表,所以不能迭代索引。 I replaced countS[i] = 1 with countS.append(1) to append the new value iteratively to the list.我用countS.append(1)替换countS[i] = 1以迭代地将新值附加到列表中。

  4. You may need a refresher on how to use enumerate because you are currently only unpacking the a single value.您可能需要重新了解如何使用enumerate ,因为您当前仅解压缩单个值。 enumerate() returns the index position in list and the value at the index - so you need to unpack both with something like for i, value in enumerate(tot): enumerate()返回列表中的索引位置和索引处的值 - 所以你需要用类似for i, value in enumerate(tot):

Here is the code that I got working - I hope this helps.这是我开始工作的代码 - 我希望这会有所帮助。 In the future, please provide everything necessary to run your code so that we can help you more effectively.将来,请提供运行您的代码所需的一切,以便我们更有效地帮助您。

tot = [112, 100, 22, 90, 12, 48, 115, 85, 13, 40, 99, 93, 100, 27, 21, 14, 23, 100]
countS = []

def randomSolution():
    somma = 0;
    for i, value in enumerate(tot): 
        if somma<=3600: 
            somma = somma + tot[i]
    return countS
rand_sol = randomSolution()


[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

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