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BaseX 数据库可以跨多个文件夹吗?

[英]Can a BaseX database span multiple folders?

New to BaseX. BaseX 的新手。 Working on a project where 100's or sometimes 1000's of XML files are generated each day.从事一个每天生成 100 个或有时 1000 个 XML 文件的项目。 Due to other exogenous factors, the preferred file structure would look like:由于其他外部因素,首选文件结构如下所示:
etc… ETC…

Is there some way to create this database architecture in BaseX?有没有办法在 BaseX 中创建这个数据库架构?

In the documentation, a single folder seems to be the only option: “CREATE DB db /path/to/resources will add initial documents to a database”.在文档中,单个文件夹似乎是唯一的选择:“CREATE DB db /path/to/resources 会将初始文档添加到数据库”。 It seems there is an 'ADD' command available to append files to the database;似乎有一个“添加”命令可用于将文件附加到数据库; could this theoretically be run each day to append the new folder that gets created?理论上可以每天运行以附加创建的新文件夹吗?

You can use CREATE DB to create an empty database or a database with an initial set of documents.您可以使用CREATE DB创建一个空数据库或具有初始文档集的数据库。 If you have a fixed set of resources that you want to import, it's faster to use this bulk import feature than adding the documents in a second step.如果您有一组要导入的固定资源,使用此批量导入功能比在第二步中添加文档要快。

With ADD , you can import additional files, directories, remote source, etc. later on, whenever you like.使用ADD ,您可以在以后随时导入其他文件、目录、远程源等。

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