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Prestashop 商店安装后不显示

[英]Prestashop store not display after installation

hello preparing a demo for someone, I have followed the step to install a Prestashop locally on Laragon.您好为某人准备演示,我已按照步骤在 Laragon 本地安装 Prestashop。 all was working well till the end of installation and installation folder removal.一切都运行良好,直到安装和安装文件夹删除结束。

now all the links are down and I got an error about the SSL certificate that says this website can't offer secure connexion.现在所有的链接都关闭了,我收到一个关于 SSL 证书的错误,说这个网站不能提供安全连接。 the answer sends by the website is wrong.网站发送的答案是错误的。

have you already encountered this kind of issue with Prestashop installation and how to get out of this?您是否已经在 Prestashop 安装中遇到过此类问题以及如何解决?

You probably chose to enable SSL during installation, while your local environment does not come with a trusted certificate.您可能选择在安装期间启用 SSL,而您的本地环境没有提供受信任的证书。

Anyway you should be able to reach backoffice by trusting the browser alert and disable SSL support from "Advanced parameters" menu.无论如何,您应该能够通过信任浏览器警报并从“高级参数”菜单中禁用 SSL 支持来访问后台。

If not, go direcly in DB ( ps_configuration table) and force disabling SSL by setting " PS_SSL_ENABLED " and " PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE " config keys to 0 value.如果没有,请直接进入数据库( ps_configuration表)并通过将“ PS_SSL_ENABLED ”和“ PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE ”配置键设置为 0 值来强制禁用 SSL。

You can fix this easily Enabling the SSL certificate built-in with Laragon.您可以轻松解决此问题 启用 Laragon 内置的 SSL 证书。

Just right click on the (maybe hided) Laragon icon on the system tray (located at the bottom right in the Windows Taskbar) and then -> Apache -> SSL -> Enabled (be sure after the selection it will be checked then).只需右键单击系统托盘上的(可能隐藏的)Laragon 图标(位于 Windows 任务栏的右下角),然后-> Apache -> SSL -> Enabled选择将被选中然后启用)

Then just click in the same way on -> Apache -> Reload , and then reload the page on the browser to see your https website version in locale.然后只需以相同的方式单击-> Apache -> Reload ,然后在浏览器上重新加载页面以在区域设置中查看您的 https 网站版本。

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