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[英]how to filter a dataframe column based on intersected values from another column in dataframe

I have two dataframe.我有两个数据框。 I want to filter gene ID from expr_df dataframe based on the intersected values from another data frame gene_Annot.Basically i want to keep genes in expr_df that intersects with geneid from gene_Annot data.我想根据来自另一个数据框gene_Annot 的相交值从expr_df 数据框中过滤基因ID。基本上我想将与gene_Annot 数据中的geneid 相交的基因保留在expr_df 中。 This is how my datasets look like:这就是我的数据集的样子: 在此处输入图像描述

在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述 I tried this command in R:我在 R 中尝试了这个命令:

expr_df <- expr_df %>% select(one_of(intersect(gene_annot$gene_id, colnames(expr_df))))

But then it gives me 0 or NA values for all the ID.但是它给了我所有 ID 的 0 或 NA 值。

The code you provided should work.您提供的代码应该可以工作。 However, the use of intersect() superfluous.但是,使用intersect()是多余的。 You should just remove that.你应该删除它。 Also dplyr::one_of() has been superseded and instead you should use dplyr::any_of() .此外dplyr::one_of()已被取代,您应该使用dplyr::any_of()


d1 <- tibble(sample_id = paste0("GTEX", 1:4), 
             ENSG1 = rnorm(4, 5, 1),
             ENSG2 = rnorm(4, 50, 3),
             ENSG3 = rnorm(4, 20, 7),
             ENSG4 = rnorm(4, 3, 0.5))

d2 <- tibble(chr = 1:3, gene_id = c("ENSG1", "ENSG3", "ENSG4"))

d1 %>% 
  select(sample_id, any_of(d2$gene_id))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   sample_id ENSG1 ENSG3 ENSG4
#>   <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 GTEX1      5.22 25.0   2.62
#> 2 GTEX2      5.99 -2.46  2.18
#> 3 GTEX3      4.56 22.0   3.29
#> 4 GTEX4      3.40 26.7   3.99

Created on 2022-07-18 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)reprex 包(v2.0.1)于 2022-07-18 创建

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