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安装 frida 模块的问题 (frida-il2cpp-bridge)

[英]Problem with installing frida module (frida-il2cpp-bridge)

here is a answers that how to install frida module (frida-il2cpp-bridge)这是如何安装 frida 模块的答案(frida-il2cpp-bridge)

I follow the steps,but i met errors.我按照步骤操作,但遇到了错误。

Problem with installing frida module (frida-il2cpp-bridge) and make it running 安装 frida 模块(frida-il2cpp-bridge)并使其运行时出现问题

install steps安装步骤

my errors is我的错误是

Spawned `com.games`. Resuming main thread!
ReferenceError: 'exports' is not defined
    at <anonymous> (/node_modules/frida-il2cpp-bridge/dist/index.js:2)

I even do other install, but no one works.我什至做其他安装,但没有人工作。

it seems like my tsconfig.json file "module": "commonjs" does not work.似乎我的 tsconfig.json 文件“模块”:“commonjs”不起作用。

after two days google search, i still can not solve it.can anyone help me?经过两天谷歌搜索,我仍然无法解决它。有人可以帮助我吗?

extra info:额外信息:

C:\Users\Administrator>node -v

C:\Users\Administrator>npm -v
npm WARN config global `--global`, `--local` are deprecated. Use `--location=global` instead.

i also change typescript version.我还更改了 typescript 版本。 but it still not work.但它仍然无法正常工作。

This issue can be resolved by using lower version of frida-compile.这个问题可以通过使用较低版本的 frida-compile 来解决。

It seems there's a lot a of change in frida-compile how it compiles. frida-compile 的编译方式似乎有很多变化。 So follow wiki guides and anyone who encounter this issue must check their package.json and check frida-compile's version is ^10.2.4.因此,请遵循 wiki 指南,遇到此问题的任何人都必须检查他们的 package.json 并检查 frida-compile 的版本是 ^10.2.4。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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