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如何将自定义的 zsh 函数参数传递给块内 zmv 命令?

[英]how to pass customized zsh function argument to in-block zmv commands?

I am creating a zsh script that batch resize, convert and rename set of images for web dev.我正在创建一个 zsh 脚本,用于批量调整、转换和重命名 Web 开发的图像集。

The zsh function is structured like below: zsh 函数的结构如下:

function img() {
    # lines of "magick -resize" and "magick mogrify -format"

    autoload zmv
    zmv '(*).(*)' '$1.$2'

How can i pass an argument from the command like img "something" so the zmv in-function command can be:我怎样才能从命令中传递一个参数,比如img "something"所以 zmv in-function 命令可以是:

zmv '(*).(*)' 'something$1.$2'


This will prefix the second argument to zmv with the first argument passed to img :这将为zmv的第二个参数加上传递给img的第一个参数的前缀:

img() {
  zmv '(*).(*)' $1'$1.$2'

This works because the first $1 is unquoted and thus evaluated before it is passed to zmv , whereas '$1.$2' is in single quotes and thus passed as a literal string.这是有效的,因为第一个$1没有被引用,因此在传递给zmv之前进行了评估,而'$1.$2'是在单引号中,因此作为文字字符串传递。

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