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除了个人用户和团队频道,我们可以从 bot 框架向谁发送消息(使用自适应卡)

[英]Apart from Individual users and Teams channel , whom can we send message (with Adaptive card) from bot framework

I Am able to send messages to individual users and general channel of a team using Bot Framework.我能够使用 Bot Framework 向单个用户和团队的一般渠道发送消息。 What I want to know if it's possible to send messages to below target audiences!我想知道是否可以向以下目标受众发送消息!

  1. Private channel of a Specific Team特定团队的私人频道
  2. Any M365 Group and Azure AD Security Group任何 M365 组和 Azure AD 安全组
  3. Any Distribution list任何分发列表

If possible , any link or documentation would be highly appreciated.如果可能的话,任何链接或文档将不胜感激。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

You can definitely message to a regular channel in a Team, aside from the "general" channel, but I've not tested a Private Channel.除了“常规”频道之外,您绝对可以向团队中的常规频道发送消息,但我没有测试过私人频道。 I don't see why not though, provided the bot has been added to that specific channel.不过,我不明白为什么不这样做,前提是该机器人已添加到该特定频道。

Aside from that, there's also a Meeting as well as a Group Chat.除此之外,还有会议和群聊。

But all of those are within Teams.但所有这些都在 Teams 中。 An M365 group, or distribution group, you can message as well, but not within Teams as there's no Teams context. M365 组或通讯组也可以发送消息,但不能在 Teams 中发送,因为没有 Teams 上下文。 Remember though, that a Teams bot is built on the Microsoft Bot Framework, which can be used to built bots of other types outside of Teams, eg web chat, facebook, slack, etc. Included is the possibility to build an "email" bot - it uses the same concepts, eg "dialogs" and what not, but communicates via email.但请记住,Teams 机器人是基于 Microsoft Bot 框架构建的,可用于构建 Teams 之外的其他类型的机器人,例如网络聊天、facebook、slack 等。其中包括构建“电子邮件”机器人的可能性- 它使用相同的概念,例如“对话”等等,但通过电子邮件进行交流。 See more at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/bot-service-channel-connect-email?view=azure-bot-service-4.0https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/bot-service-channel-connect-email?view=azure-bot-service-4.0查看更多信息


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