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scrollspy 和更改颜色不起作用 bootstrap 5

[英]scrollspy and change color don't work bootstrap 5

I have a problem with scrollspy and a problem with the button that should appear on the navbar if you open with the phone or if you shrink the browser and i have problem with color in navbar如果您使用手机打开或缩小浏览器并且我在导航栏中出现颜色问题,我的 scrollspy 和应该出现在导航栏上的按钮有问题


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@keyframes btn-anim1 {
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@keyframes btn-anim2 {
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@keyframes btn-anim3 {
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  100% {
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  height: 100%;
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  animation: btn-anim4 1s linear infinite;
  animation-delay: .75s

@keyframes btn-anim4 {
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  100% {
    bottom: 100%;

.carousel-item {
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.carousel-inner .carousel-item > img {
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     transform: scale(1, 1);
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    transform: scale(1.5, 1.5);

.animate-text { 

height: 50%;

/* effet machine à écrire + animation CSS (SPECIAL) */
.animate-text span { 
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.bg-grey ul{

.bg-grey ul li{





 $(".menu-activator").on("click", function() {

  "use strict";
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {

// -------------------
function animate_text() 
  let delay = 100,
      delay_start = 0,

  document.querySelectorAll(".animate-text").forEach(function (elem) {
    contents = elem.textContent.trim();
    elem.textContent = "";
    letters = contents.split("");
    elem.style.visibility = 'visible';

    letters.forEach(function (letter, index_1) {
      setTimeout(function () {
        // ---------
        // effet machine à écrire (SIMPLE)
        elem.textContent += letter;
        // ---------
        // OU :
        // effet machine à écrire + animation CSS (SPECIAL)
        var span = document.createElement('span');
        span.innerHTML = letter.replace(/ /,'&nbsp;');
        // ---------
      }, delay_start + delay * index_1);
    delay_start += delay * letters.length;

/* ------------------------- */
/* version jQuery */
/* ------------------------- */
"use strict";
$(document).ready(function() {
// -------------------
function animate_text() 
  let delay = 100,
      delay_start = 0,

  $(".animate-text").each(function(index, obj) {
    contents = $(obj).text().trim();
    $(obj).html(''); // on vide le contenu
    letters = contents.split("");
    $(letters).each(function(index_1, letter) {
      setTimeout(function() {
        // ---------
        // effet machine à écrire simple
        $(obj).html( $(obj).html() + letter ); // on ajoute chaque lettre l une après l autre
        // ---------
        // ---------
      }, delay_start + delay * index_1);
    // le suivant démarre à la fin du précédent
    delay_start += delay * letters.length;

        var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
        if (scroll > 300) {
          $(".bg-grey").css("background" , "blue");
            $(".bg-grey").css("background" , "green");   


the problem i have with the scrollspy is that when i go down it doesn't change the color depending on where i am.我对 scrollspy 的问题是,当我下楼时,它不会根据我所在的位置改变颜色。 I still have another problem it's with the responsiveness, I use bootstrap 5 I would like that when we open with the phone or when we shrink the screen that the navbar appears the menu button but it doesn't does not appear, I do not understand why.我还有另一个问题是响应能力,我使用引导程序 5 我希望当我们用手机打开或缩小屏幕时导航栏出现菜单按钮但它没有出现,我不明白为什么。 And I also have a problem in localhost the navbar changes colors but when it is put online it does not work I would like to know why.而且我在 localhost 中也有一个问题,导航栏会改变颜色,但是当它上线时它不起作用我想知道为什么。 In this link you can see result http://portfoliotest1.liveblog365.com在此链接中,您可以看到结果http://portfoliotest1.liveblog365.com

It seems that the .navbar-toggler button has a transparent background-color and that's why it doesn't appear.似乎 .navbar-toggler 按钮具有透明的背景色,这就是它没有出现的原因。 The color change of the splitter can be done using javascript and with the pixels returned by the scrollTop function.可以使用 javascript 和 scrollTop 函数返回的像素来更改拆分器的颜色。

Here's my fiddle这是我的小提琴

var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();

if (scroll === 0) {
  $(".bg-grey").css("background", "transparent");
} else if (scroll > 0 && scroll < 300) {
  $(".bg-grey").css("background", "blue");
} else if (scroll > 300 && scroll < 600) {
  $(".bg-grey").css("background", "green");
} else if (scroll > 600 && scroll < 900) {
  $(".bg-grey").css("background", "gray");
} else if (scroll > 900 && scroll < 1000) {
  $(".bg-grey").css("background", "purple");

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