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Deeplink:如何在未安装应用程序而不是 Playstore 时将用户重定向到网站

[英]Deeplink: How to redirect user to a website when app is not installed instead of playstore

How do we simulate this behaviour?我们如何模拟这种行为?

When the app is installed -> redirect to the app
When not installed -> Redirect to some webpage.

If the app is not installed, the default behaviour is redirecting the user to the play store (Using Google's dynamic link).如果未安装应用程序,则默认行为是将用户重定向到 Play 商店(使用 Google 的动态链接)。

Is it possible to do it via Google's dynamic link?是否可以通过谷歌的动态链接来做到这一点?

I was able to solve this problem.我能够解决这个问题。 There are two fields: androidFallbackLink and iosFallbackLink in google dynamic links for this exact issue.谷歌动态链接中有两个字段: androidFallbackLinkiosFallbackLink用于这个确切的问题。 Attaching the documentation link for the same: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/dynamic-links/link-shortener附上相同的文档链接: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/dynamic-links/link-shortener

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