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方法声明创建空映射时传递空值 - 输入:映射<String, String> = 界面中的 emptyMap() - Kotlin

[英]Pass null value when method declaration creates an empty map - input: Map<String, String> = emptyMap() in the interface - Kotlin

I have an interface with following declaration.我有一个带有以下声明的接口。

interface makeItHappenInterface {

   fun methodOne(params: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()):Boolean

I want to call this method but the params sometimes could be null.我想调用此方法,但params有时可能为空。


var extraDtls = calculate(val1, val2)

// error in above line saying ----  
Type mismatch.
Map<String, String>
Map<String, String>?

so how to handle above error?那么如何处理上述错误? should I change the method declaration in interface?我应该更改接口中的方法声明吗? or any other technique to fix this properly?或任何其他技术来正确解决这个问题? I am not sure how the coding style in Kotlin.我不确定 Kotlin 的编码风格如何。 I am new to Kotlin.我是 Kotlin 的新手。

You can use let or just give default value for extraDtls if it is null .您可以使用let或只为extraDtls提供默认值(如果它是null )。

// solution 1
var extraDtls = calculate(val1, val2)
extraDtls?.let { makeItHappenImpl.methodOne(it) }

// solution 2
// using elvis operator (?:) if it is null take the right value otherwise take left value
var extraDtls = calculate(val1, val2) ?: emptyMap()

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