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[英]The background picture does not appear on my site

My background does not appear on my site :我的背景没有出现在我的网站上:

.bg-dispersed {
    background-image: url("/images/jpg/bg_dispersed.jpg");
.bg-00 {
    background-image: url("/images/jpg/bg_home.jpg");

what is strange is that locally, it works.奇怪的是,它在本地有效。

Here is the URL of my site : https://overlap.ulb.be/public/这是我网站的网址: https ://overlap.ulb.be/public/

I have no error in the Firefox console.我在 Firefox 控制台中没有错误。

I have this in my .env file :我的 .env 文件中有这个:


The picture is inside the folder...图片在文件夹里面...

In your css you have: background-image: url("images/jpg/bg_home.jpg");在您的 CSS 中,您有: background-image: url("images/jpg/bg_home.jpg");

But you need但是你需要

background-image: url("../images/jpg/bg_home.jpg");

The path in style.css is relative to the css folder, not to the root. style.css 中的路径是相对于 css 文件夹的,而不是相对于根目录的。

Possible solutions:可能的解决方案:

  • background-image:url({{asset('/images/jpg/bg_dispersed.jpg')}});背景图像:url({{asset('/images/jpg/bg_dispersed.jpg')}});
  • try to get 777 permission to storage/public folder尝试获取存储/公用文件夹的 777 权限
  • assign height and width to class bg-dispersed and bg-00将高度和宽度分配给类 bg-dispersed 和 bg-00

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