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[英]How to know pattern of string date in kotlin

I want to convert in ZonedDateTime .我想转换ZonedDateTime How can I recognise pattern to pass in DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(????????) .如何识别要传入DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(????????)的模式。

val string = "May 9, 2020 8:09:03 PM"

private fun getFormatDate(date: String): ZonedDateTime {
     val dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(????????)
     return ZonedDateTime.parse(date, dateTimeFormatter)

Many Thanks非常感谢

You can do:你可以做:

private fun getFormatDate(date: String): ZonedDateTime {
    val dateTimeFormatter =
            .ofPattern("MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a")
            .withZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()) // or some other zone that you would like to use
    return ZonedDateTime.parse(date, dateTimeFormatter)

Note that it is important that you do .withZone which specifies the zone that the ZonedDateTime is going to have, and also .withLocale , so that the parser interprets things like "May" and "PM" in the correct language.请注意,重要的是您执行.withZone指定ZonedDateTime将拥有的区域,以及.withLocale ,以便解析器以正确的语言解释诸如“May”和“PM”之类的内容。

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See all the pattern letters here 在这里查看所有的模式字母

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