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在带有 Linux 子系统的 Windows 上取消共享文件夹

[英]Unshare a folder on Windows with Linux subsystem

I have just started using the Windows 11 Linux subsystem.我刚刚开始使用 Windows 11 Linux 子系统。 In getting going I did all sorts of things that I cannot remember with the goal of sharing files between Windows and Ubuntu.在开始的过程中,我做了各种我不记得的事情,目的是在 Windows 和 Ubuntu 之间共享文件。 I can now do this, but my explorations have left an irritating residue (see picture).我现在可以做到这一点,但我的探索留下了令人讨厌的残留物(见图)。 How this "shared folder" got there is wholly mysterious to me, especially since the quoted matter in fact references not a folder but a file.这个“共享文件夹”是如何到达那里的,对我来说完全是个谜,尤其是因为引用的内容实际上不是文件夹而是文件。 Does anyone have an idea how I can "unshare" it?有谁知道我如何“取消分享”它? The file is unimportant and can be deleted from both file systems.该文件不重要,可以从两个文件系统中删除。 Windows Ubuntu 终端

The "SharedFolder" is an empty folder created somehow by Windows. “SharedFolder”是一个由 Windows 以某种方式创建的空文件夹。 I deleted it.我删除了它。 The long purple file was also created by Windows somehow and I deleted it too.长紫色文件也是由 Windows 以某种方式创建的,我也将其删除。 How the stuff got there I do not know.我不知道这些东西是如何到达那里的。 There is (some) documentation on the relation between the two file systems at:有(一些)关于两个文件系统之间关系的文档:

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/filesystems https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/filesystems

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