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如何使用 Netflix DGS 访问完整的运行时 GraphQLSchema object?

[英]How to access the complete runtime GraphQLSchema object with Netflix DGS?

I need to access the complete GraphQLSchema object outside GraphQL request handling.我需要在 GraphQL 请求处理之外访问完整的GraphQLSchema object。 When I used graphql-java directly I was in full control and had the control of this.当我直接使用 graphql-java 时,我可以完全控制并控制它。 Right now I need to accomplish the same with Netflix DGS and can't find how to do so (and keep up with runtime changes/reloading later).现在我需要用 Netflix DGS 完成同样的事情,但找不到如何做到这一点(并跟上运行时更改/稍后重新加载)。

For more context - I need to do a few things with this - one is to create a complete, downloadable SDL version of the schema (ie not the same as federation _service { sdl } ) and also gather and expose some directive-driven metadata differently, since I can't introspect it:( from the client...对于更多上下文——我需要为此做一些事情——一个是创建一个完整的、可下载的 SDL 版本的模式(即与 federation _service { sdl }不同),并以不同的方式收集和公开一些指令驱动的元数据,因为我无法反省它:(来自客户......

You can use DgsDataFetchingEnvironment您可以使用 DgsDataFetchingEnvironment

  public Student getStudent(DgsDataFetchingEnvironment dfe) {
      GraphQLSchema schema = dfe.getGraphQLSchema();
      //if you want to know which fields are selected in query
      DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet fields = dfe.getSelectionSet();

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