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Live Server 与 Lite Server

[英]Live Server vs Lite Server

Just starting with JavaScript.刚从 JavaScript 开始。 Do I have to have Lite Server or can I use VS Code's Liveserver extension instead?我必须拥有 Lite Server 还是可以使用 VS Code 的 Liveserver 扩展来代替? Any research I've done on the topic leads into node.js, package.json, and NPMs which I don't understand.我对该主题所做的任何研究都会导致我不理解的 node.js、package.json 和 NPM。

If Lite Server is needed, do you install it through terminal/command line or do you have to install it in the html document you want to apply it to?如果需要 Lite Server,是通过终端/命令行安装还是必须在要应用的 html 文档中安装? Thanks.谢谢。

They are both pretty similar and for your purposes, VSCode's Live server will work fine for you especially if you are not familiar with npm, node, and do not have a package.json.它们都非常相似,并且对于您的目的, VSCode 的 Live 服务器可以很好地为您工作,特别是如果您不熟悉 npm、node 并且没有 package.json。

If you would like to learn more about npm and what a package.json is check this out.如果您想了解更多关于 npm 以及 package.json 是什么的信息,请查看这里

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