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读取 csv 文件错误:sys.argv[1], IndexError: list index out of range

[英]Reading in csv file error: sys.argv[1], IndexError: list index out of range

I work with a student run nonprofit that pairs college students with elementary schoolers to mentor.我与一家学生经营的非营利组织合作,该非营利组织将大学生与小学生配对以进行指导。 An old member sent me a python script they wrote to create carpool groups of volunteers.一位老会员给我发了一个他们编写的用于创建拼车志愿者组的 python 脚本。 I'm trying to get it to work again on my laptop.我正试图让它在我的笔记本电脑上再次工作。 It's supposed to read three csv files: one for new applications, one for returning applications, and one for schools available, then it creates groups and returns them in an output text file.它应该读取三个 csv 文件:一个用于新应用程序,一个用于返回应用程序,一个用于可用学校,然后它创建组并在输出文本文件中返回它们。

I'm having trouble figuring out how the program is supposed to read in the cvs files in the folder.我无法弄清楚程序应该如何读取文件夹中的 cvs 文件。 I pasted the entire code below, but the issue is with roughly the first 10 lines I believe.我在下面粘贴了整个代码,但问题出在我认为的前 10 行。 I also included the error message I'm getting the end.我还包括了我即将结束的错误消息。

from csv import reader
import sys

# python sealsort.py /path/to/newm/survey /path/to/retm/survey /path/to/school/doc
newm_path = sys.argv[1] #'./s18_new.csv'
returnm_path = sys.argv[2] #'./s18_return.csv'
schools_path = sys.argv[3] #'./s18_schools.csv'

def psble(schools, mems):
  # Calculates the number of people avaliable for volunteering
  avail = [0]*len(schools['schools'])
  espan = [0]*len(schools['schools'])
  engav = [0]*len(schools['schools'])
  # Ignore drivers in number of people
  for i in range(len(mems['names'])):
    if(mems['assgn'][i] or mems['drive'][i] > 0):
    for j in range(len(mems['avail'][i])):
      ts = mems['avail'][i][j]
      # Iterate over volunteering slots
      for k in range(len(schools['schools'])):
        if(schools['tid'][k] == ts):
          avail[k] += 1
  for i in range(len(mems['names'])):
    if(mems['assgn'][i] or mems['drive'][i] > 0):
    for j in range(len(mems['avail'][i])):
      ts = mems['avail'][i][j]
      # Iterate over volunteering slots
      for k in range(len(schools['schools'])):
        if(schools['tid'][k] == ts):
          espan[k] += mems['espan'][i]
  for i in range(len(mems['names'])):
    if(mems['assgn'][i] or mems['drive'][i] > 0 or mems['espan'][i] > 0):
    for j in range(len(mems['avail'][i])):
      ts = mems['avail'][i][j]
      # Iterate over volunteering slots
      for k in range(len(schools['schools'])):
        if(schools['tid'][k] == ts):
          engav[k] += 1
  return avail, espan, engav
def parsenew(newcsv, schools):
  # Parses the new member CSV file and returns a list of lists
  # Make lists to hold info
  order = []
  names = []
  avail = []
  drive = []
  espan = []
  assgn = []
  tasgn = []
  nasgn = []

  c = 0
  with open(newcsv,'rU') as f:
    for line in reader(f):
      if(line == []):
      c += 1
  # Map spanish options to numbers
  for i in range(len(espan)):
    if(espan[i] == 'Not at all'):
      espan[i] = 0
    elif(espan[i] == 'Un poquito'):
      espan[i] = 0
      #names[i] += ' SPN-PQTO'
    elif(espan[i] == 'Conversational'):
      espan[i] = 2
      names[i] += ' SPN-CONV'
    elif(espan[i] == 'Fluent'):
      espan[i] = 4
      names[i] += ' SPN-FLNT'
  # Map time avaliability to numbers
  for i in range(len(avail)):
    alist = avail[i].split(',')
    avail[i] = [];
    for time in alist:
      time = time.split('(')[0].replace(' ','')
      if time in schools['tdict']:
        print("Invalid time",time)
  # Map driving to numbers
  for i in range(len(drive)):
    if(len(drive[i]) == 0):
      drive[i] = 0
    if(drive[i][0] != 'Y'):
      drive[i] = 0
      drive[i] = int(filter(str.isdigit, drive[i]))
      names[i] += ' DRIVER(' + str(drive[i]) + ')'
  odict = {'names': names, 'order': order, 'avail': avail, 'drive': drive, 'espan': espan, 'assgn': assgn, 'tasgn': tasgn, 'nasgn': nasgn}
  return odict

def parsereturn(returncsv, schools):
    # Parses the new member CSV file and returns a list of lists
  # Make lists to hold info
  order = []
  names = []
  avail = []
  drive = []
  espan = []
  assgn = []
  tasgn = []
  nasgn = []

  c = 0
  with open(returncsv,'rU') as f:
    for line in reader(f):
      if(line == []):
      c += 1
  # Map spanish options to numbers
  for i in range(len(espan)):
    if(espan[i] == 'Not at all'):
      espan[i] = 0
    elif(espan[i] == 'Un poquito'):
      espan[i] = 0
      #names[i] += ' SPN-PQTO'
    elif(espan[i] == 'Conversational'):
      espan[i] = 2
      names[i] += ' SPN-CONV'
    elif(espan[i] == 'Fluent'):
      espan[i] = 4
      names[i] += ' SPN-FLNT'
  # Map time avaliability to numbers
  for i in range(len(avail)):
    alist = avail[i].split(',')
    avail[i] = [];
    for time in alist:
      time = time.split('(')[0].replace(' ','')
      if time in schools['tdict']:
        print("Invalid time",time)
  # Map driving to numbers
  for i in range(len(drive)):
    if(len(drive[i]) == 0):
      drive[i] = 0
    if(drive[i][0] != 'Y'):
      drive[i] = 0
      drive[i] = int(filter(str.isdigit, drive[i]))
      names[i] += ' DRIVER(' + str(drive[i]) + ')'
  odict = {'names': names, 'order': order, 'avail': avail, 'drive': drive, 'espan': espan, 'assgn': assgn, 'tasgn': tasgn, 'nasgn': nasgn}
  return odict
def parseschools(schoolcsv):
  # Parses the schools CSV file and returns a list of lists
  # Make lists to hold info
  nvolu = []
  voday = []
  vtime = []
  schools = []
  with open(schoolcsv,'rU') as f:
    for line in reader(f):
      voday.append(line[3].replace(' ',''))
      vtime.append(line[4].replace(' ',''))
  tidc = 0    
  tid = []
  tdict = {} 
  for i in range(len(voday)):
    key = voday[i]+vtime[i]
    if(key in tdict):
      tdict[key] = tidc
      tidc += 1
  odict = {'schools': schools, 'nvolu': nvolu, 'voday': voday, 'vtime': vtime, 'tid': tid, 'tdict': tdict}
  return odict
# Parse schools and make data structure
schools = parseschools(schools_path)
#for i in range(len(schools['schools'])):
#  print(schools['schools'][i],schools['nvolu'][i],schools['voday'][i],schools['vtime'][i],schools['tid'][i])
# Parse new members
newm = parsenew(newm_path, schools)

# Parse returning members
retm = parsereturn(returnm_path, schools)

print('total vols',len(retm['names'])+len(newm['names']))
mems = dict(retm)

for i in range(len(newm['names'])):

# Dict to hold assignments
assign = {}
assign['schools'] = schools['schools']
assign['voday'] = schools['voday']
assign['vtime'] = schools['vtime']
assign['vters'] = [ [] for i in range(len(schools['vtime']))]
assign['drvrs'] = [0]*len(schools['vtime'])
assign['cspot'] = [0]*len(schools['vtime'])
assign['espan'] = [0]*len(schools['vtime'])
assign['tid'] = schools['tid']

# Greedy algorithm to optimize driving assignment
# Iterate over their avaliable times, find the volunteering loc
# with the minimum number of people avaliable to fill it, but
# still equal to or greater than the number of people the car
# can carry
psvol, psesp, pseng = psble(schools, mems)
for i in range(len(mems['drive'])):
  #for i in range(len(assign['schools'])):     
  #  print(assign['schools'][i], assign['voday'][i], assign['vtime'][i], psvol[i], psesp[i])
  # If they cant drive, or ar assigned don't assign them
  if(mems['drive'][i] == 0) or mems['assgn'][i]:
  minp = 999999
  minpi = -1
  for j in range(len(mems['avail'][i])):
    ts = mems['avail'][i][j]
    # Iterate over volunteering slots
    for k in range(len(schools['schools'])):
      # Find the loc with the minimum possible people, 
      if(schools['tid'][k] == ts and psvol[k] < minp and psvol[k] >= mems['drive'][i] and psesp >= 4 and schools['nvolu'][k] > mems['drive'][i] and pseng[k] > (mems['drive'][i] - 2)):
        minp = psvol[k]
        minpi = k
  if(minpi == -1):
    #print("NO SOLUTION")
  #print(assign['schools'][minpi], assign['voday'][minpi], assign['vtime'][minpi], psvol[minpi], psesp[minpi])
  # Assign driver to place with min spots      
  assign['drvrs'][minpi] += 1
  #print(assign['cspot'][minpi], mems['drive'][i])
  assign['cspot'][minpi] += mems['drive'][i]
  schools['nvolu'][minpi] -= 1
  assign['espan'][minpi] += mems['espan'][i]
  mems['assgn'][i] = True
  mems['tasgn'][i] = schools['tid'][minpi]
  mems['nasgn'][i] = minpi
  #print(assign['schools'][minpi], assign['voday'][minpi], assign['vtime'][minpi], assign['vters'][minpi],schools['nvolu'][minpi],assign['cspot'][minpi],psvol[minpi],psesp[minpi])
  # Assign non driving spanish speakers if necessary, first look for 1 fluent, then 2 conversational
  if(assign['espan'][minpi] < 4*assign['drvrs'][minpi]):
    for i1 in range(len(mems['espan'])):
      # If they can drive, are assigned, or are not fluent, skip them
      if(mems['drive'][i1] != 0 or mems['espan'][i1] != 4 or mems['assgn'][i1]):
      if(schools['tid'][minpi] in mems['avail'][i1]):
        assign['cspot'][minpi] -= 1
        schools['nvolu'][minpi] -= 1
        assign['espan'][minpi] += mems['espan'][i1]
        mems['assgn'][i1] = True
        mems['tasgn'][i1] = schools['tid'][minpi]
        mems['nasgn'][i1] = minpi
  # Now try twice to put a conversational spanish person inif necessary
  if(assign['espan'][minpi] < 4*assign['drvrs'][minpi]):
    for i1 in range(len(mems['espan'])):
      # If they can drive, are assigned, or are not fluent, skip them
      if(mems['drive'][i1] != 0 or mems['espan'][i1] != 2 or mems['assgn'][i1]):
      if(schools['tid'][minpi] in mems['avail'][i1]):
        assign['cspot'][minpi] -= 1
        schools['nvolu'][minpi] -= 1
        assign['espan'][minpi] += mems['espan'][i1]
        mems['assgn'][i1] = True
        mems['tasgn'][i1] = schools['tid'][minpi]
        mems['nasgn'][i1] = minpi
  # Second time on conversational
  if(assign['espan'][minpi] < 4*assign['drvrs'][minpi]):
    for i1 in range(len(mems['espan'])):
      # If they can drive, are assigned, or are not fluent, skip them
      if(mems['drive'][i1] != 0 or mems['espan'][i1] != 2 or mems['assgn'][i1]):
      if(schools['tid'][minpi] in mems['avail'][i1]):
        assign['cspot'][minpi] -= 1
        schools['nvolu'][minpi] -= 1
        assign['espan'][minpi] += mems['espan'][i1]
        mems['assgn'][i1] = True
        mems['tasgn'][i1] = schools['tid'][minpi]
        mems['nasgn'][i1] = minpi
  # Fill in with non spanish speakers, try one time for each open seat
  for i in range(assign['cspot'][minpi]):
    #print("NEED MORE PEOPLE")
    for i1 in range(len(mems['espan'])):
      # If they can drive, are assigned, or are spanish speaking, skip them
      if(mems['drive'][i1] != 0 or mems['espan'][i1] > 0 or mems['assgn'][i1]):
      if(schools['tid'][minpi] in mems['avail'][i1]):
        assign['cspot'][minpi] -= 1
        schools['nvolu'][minpi] -= 1
        assign['espan'][minpi] += mems['espan'][i1]
        mems['assgn'][i1] = True
        mems['tasgn'][i1] = schools['tid'][minpi]
        mems['nasgn'][i1] = minpi
  psvol, psesp, pseng = psble(schools, mems) 
  #print(assign['schools'][minpi], assign['voday'][minpi], assign['vtime'][minpi], psvol[minpi], psesp[minpi])
with open('output.txt','w') as f:
  for i in range(len(assign['schools'])):     
    f.write(assign['schools'][i] + " ")
    f.write(assign['voday'][i] + " ") 
    f.write(assign['vtime'][i] + "\n") 
    for j in range(len(assign['vters'][i])):
      f.write("\t" + assign['vters'][i][j] + "\n")
    #print(assign['vters'][i], schools['nvolu'][i],assign['cspot'][i])
  for i in range(len(mems['names'])):
    if(not mems['assgn'][i]):
      f.write(mems['names'][i] + "\n")

Here is the error:这是错误:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/myname/Desktop/sealsort/sealsort.py", line 9, in <module>
    newm_path = sys.argv[1] #'./s18_new.csv'
IndexError: list index out of range

It seems you are trying to run this script on a macOS machine.您似乎正在尝试在 macOS 机器上运行此脚本。 And I'm supposing you have the three CSV files in the same folder as the Python script.我假设您将三个 CSV 文件与 Python 脚本放在同一个文件夹中。

You need to navigate, via terminal, to the folder the files are stored.您需要通过终端导航到存储文件的文件夹。 So, first open the Terminal application, then navigate to the folder with this command: cd /Users/myname/Desktop/sealsort (here I'm using the same path that is in your question), then you will need to execute the script as described in the first comments:因此,首先打开终端应用程序,然后使用以下命令导航到文件夹: cd /Users/myname/Desktop/sealsort (这里我使用的路径与您的问题相同),然后您需要执行脚本如第一条评论所述:

# python sealsort.py /path/to/newm/survey /path/to/retm/survey /path/to/school/doc

Supposing the files are: s18_new.csv, s18_return.csv, s18_schools.csv, execute the script specifying the name of these files as arguments to the program.假设文件是​​:s18_new.csv、s18_return.csv、s18_schools.csv,执行脚本,指定这些文件的名称作为程序的参数。 If you do not specify any of the required arguments, one of the elements at the indexes 1 , 2 , and 3 will not be found and you will get that error ( IndexError: list index out of range ).如果您未指定任何必需的参数,则将找不到索引123处的元素之一,并且您将收到该错误( IndexError: list index out of range )。

So, the correct command would be: python sealsort.py ./s18_new.csv ./s18_return.csv ./s18_schools.csv所以,正确的命令是: python sealsort.py ./s18_new.csv ./s18_return.csv ./s18_schools.csv

This way, the element at index 0 (of argv ) will be sealsort.py , the element 1 will be s18_new.csv , 2 will be s18_return.csv , and 3 will be s18_schools.csv .这样,( argv的)索引0处的元素将是sealsort.py ,元素1将是s18_new.csv2将是s18_return.csv3将是s18_schools.csv

I hope this helps.我希望这有帮助。

As noted in the link posted by mkrieger1, the sys.argv[1] is referencing the first command line argument.如 mkrieger1 发布的链接中所述, sys.argv[1] 引用了第一个命令行参数。 So instead of running a command like this:所以不要运行这样的命令:

python program.py蟒蛇程序.py

You need to run it with three arguments like this:您需要使用以下三个参数运行它:

python program.py /path/To/first.csv /path/To/second.csv /path/To/third.csv python program.py /path/To/first.csv /path/To/second.csv /path/To/third.csv

Note: Line 5 gives a use example注意:第 5 行给出了一个使用示例

python sealsort.py /path/to/newm/survey /path/to/retm/survey /path/to/school/doc python sealsort.py /path/to/newm/survey /path/to/retm/survey /path/to/school/doc


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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