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触发 git pull 和 push netlify cms/gatsby

[英]triggering a git pull and push netlify cms/gatsby

I just integrated Netlify's CMS with a Gatsby site.我刚刚将 Netlify 的 CMS 与 Gatsby 网站集成。 the site is hosted through netlify and I am using the github 0auth system to log in and view the editor.该站点通过 netlify 托管,我使用 github 0auth 系统登录并查看编辑器。 Right now when I update the articles through the CMS I have to go back to VSCode and run a "git pull" to get the updated markdown/blogs and then run the commands to commit and push my changes.现在,当我通过 CMS 更新文章时,我必须返回 VSCode 并运行“git pull”来获取更新的降价/博客,然后运行命令来提交和推送我的更改。 Is there a way to automatically trigger this through the CMS?有没有办法通过 CMS 自动触发? I basically want the client to be able to update the site automatically after updating and adding blogs without me having to run these commands.我基本上希望客户端能够在更新和添加博客后自动更新站点,而无需我运行这些命令。 Can anyone walk me through how to do that?谁能指导我如何做到这一点?

never-mind!没关系! I am now realizing foolishly that any edits to the CMS automatically trigger a build with netlify!我现在愚蠢地意识到,对 CMS 的任何编辑都会自动触发 netlify 的构建! the git pull is just to take the current updated code from github! git pull 只是从 github 获取当前更新的代码!

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