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AppInsights 查看对请求的响应

[英]AppInsights see response to requests

Is there a way to see the response to a request in the logs generated through appinsights?有没有办法在通过 appinsights 生成的日志中查看对请求的响应?

I've got several apis, and I can see the client making the calls when querying the requests table, I can see the status of the request but I can't see what was sent back to the client.我有几个 api,在查询 requests 表时可以看到客户端发出调用,可以看到请求的状态,但看不到返回给客户端的内容。

Also when I click appinsights in my APIs it says此外,当我在我的 API 中单击 appinsights 时,它会说

'Set up app insights without changing code' '在不更改代码的情况下设置应用洞察力'

But above it, there's a green tick saying 'connected by Instrumentation code'但在它上面,有一个绿色的勾号,上面写着“通过仪器代码连接”

Does this mean it's connected and working?这是否意味着它已连接并正常工作?

Does this mean it's connected and working?这是否意味着它已连接并正常工作?

Yes, Application Insight connected to API.是的,Application Insight 已连接到 API。

Is there a way to see the response to a request in the logs generated through App insights?有没有办法在通过 App 洞察生成的日志中查看对请求的响应?

If you want to see the response of your request/Custom Events or Custom Metrics , you need to use the Custom Telemetry in your API to get the response in Application insights.如果您想查看您的请求/自定义事件或自定义指标的响应,您需要使用 API 中的自定义遥测来获取应用程序洞察中的响应。

Note: Make sure you can use it for testing purpose.注意:确保您可以将其用于测试目的。 In an application insight who ever have the access of your subscription of the specific resource they can view the telemetry data.在应用程序洞察力中,谁曾有权访问您对特定资源的订阅,他们可以查看遥测数据。


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