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将日期作为邮递员的获取请求传递,但是我无法从 laravel 的数据库中找到数据

[英]Pass a date as a get request on postman however i can't find data from database in laravel

I like to get my value when I pass the date in get a request.当我通过获取请求的日期时,我喜欢获得我的价值。 But when I pass"2022-05-10"但是当我通过http://"2022-05-10"

date "2022-05-10" was not found but I entered the value of this date in the database.找不到日期“2022-05-10”,但我在数据库中输入了该日期的值。

Here is a screenshot of my Postman request:这是我的邮递员请求的屏幕截图:


Here is the controller:这是控制器:

public function getNewsDate($dates) {
    $news = News::where('date', $dates)->get();
    if ($news) {
        return response()->json($news, 200);
    } else {
        return response()->json('News not found', 404);

Check your route in api.php it should be as:检查您在api.php中的路线,它应该是:

Route::get('/news/search/{dates}', [NewsController::class, 'getNewsDate']);

You have to slashes after api by the way)顺便说一句,你必须在api之后斜线)


remove one of them.删除其中之一。

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