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我从来不需要使用 ($nn,x) 寻址模式。 什么是它有用的例子?

[英]I've never had a need to use the ($nn,x) addressing mode. What's an example of something it's useful for?

I've used ($nn),y plenty of times, it's pretty much the 6502's bread-and-butter method of iterating through arrays.我已经多次使用($nn),y ,这几乎是 6502 的基本方法,即迭代 arrays。 But I've never found a use for ($nn,x) .但我从来没有发现($nn,x)的用途。 The only time I've ever thought about using it is when x = 0 .我唯一考虑过使用它的时间是x = 0 It seems like any problem that can be solved with STA ($nn,x) can just as easily be done with hardcoded pointers like in this example with writing to the Konami VRC6 sound hardware:似乎可以使用STA ($nn,x)解决的任何问题都可以使用硬编码指针轻松完成,例如在此示例中写入 Konami VRC6 声音硬件:

LDX #2
LDA (musicptr),y
STA $9000,x  ;pulse 1 channel regs
STA $A000,x  ;pulse 2 channel regs
STA $B000,x  ;sawtooth channel regs
BNE loop


LDA #$00
STA $10
STA $12
STA $14
LDA #$90
STA $11
LDA #$A0
STA $13
LDA #$B0
STA $15

LDX #$00
LDA (musicptr),y
STA ($10,x)  ;first pass: STA $9000. second pass: STA $A000. third pass: STA $B000
CPX #6
BNE loop

I know that not every tool needs to be used, but I just can't think of a purpose for this addressing mode at all.我知道不是每个工具都需要使用,但我根本想不出这种寻址模式的用途。

Checking out some well-known source code of the era, from a system where the 6502 was used to build an actual OS with hardware abstraction, the BBC MOS uses ($nn,x) in only two instances:从一个使用 6502 构建具有硬件抽象的实际操作系统的系统中查看一些著名的源代码,BBC MOS 仅在两个实例中使用($nn,x)


  1. this probably confirms that the addressing mode isn't especially useful — just three usages in 16kb of code, with two of those just being the read/write versions of the same operation;这可能证实了寻址模式并不是特别有用——在 16kb 的代码中只有三种用法,其中两种只是同一操作的读/写版本; and
  2. it demonstrates the main use case: reading or writing to somewhere via a table of pointers.它演示了主要用例:通过指针表读取或写入某处。

Despite your assertion as a comment above:尽管您在上面的评论中断言:

  • IO space cannot just be made into a table of bytes indexed by ($nn),y because it has fixed locations; IO 空间不能仅仅做成一个由($nn),y索引的字节表,因为它有固定的位置; and
  • video memory cannot just be made into a table of bytes indexed by ($nn),y because it has fixed locations.显存不能仅仅被做成一个由($nn),y索引的字节表,因为它有固定的位置。

Since there is no indirect mode without indexing in the original 6502, one use is to set x to 0 to emulate such a mode.由于在原始 6502 中没有不带索引的间接模式,因此一种用途是将x设置为 0 以模拟这种模式。

ldx #0
lda ($zp,x)

Yes you can do it with the y register and lda ($zp),y , but maybe y has got a value in it that you want to keep.是的,您可以使用y寄存器和lda ($zp),y来做到这一点,但也许y有一个您想要保留的值。

Other than that, I've got nothing.除此之外,我一无所有。

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