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我不知道如何通过 POST 请求将文件发送到 java 中的 https://0x0.st

[英]I can't figure out how to send a file via POST request to https://0x0.st in java

I can't figure out how to send a file via POST request to https://0x0.st in java我不知道如何通过 POST 请求将文件发送到 java 中的https: //0x0.st

My code:我的代码:

MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();

builder.addTextBody("key", key);
builder.addTextBody("client_id", client_id );
builder.addTextBody("direction_id", direction_id);

ContentType fileContentType = ContentType.create("image/jpeg");
String fileName = file.getName();
builder.addBinaryBody("client_files", file, fileContentType, fileName);

HttpEntity entity = builder.build();

There are several Http clients available that you can try.有几个 Http 客户端可供您尝试。 The popular ones would be最受欢迎的是

  1. Apache Http client Apache Http客户端
  2. OK Http client .好的 Http 客户端 I actually wrote my own Http client which is part of MgntUtils Open Source library written and maintained by me.实际上,我编写了自己的 Http 客户端,它是我编写和维护的 MgntUtils 开源库的一部分。 The reason I wrote my own Http client is to provide a very simple option.我编写自己的 Http 客户端的原因是提供一个非常简单的选项。 It doesn't support all the features provided in other clients but is very simple in use, and it does support uploading and downloading binary information.它不支持其他客户端提供的所有功能,但使用非常简单,并且支持上传和下载二进制信息。 Assuming from your code that key , client_id , and direction_id could be passed as request headers your code could be something like this假设从您的代码中keyclient_iddirection_id可以作为请求标头传递,您的代码可能是这样的

byte[] content = readFile() //Read file as bytes here byte[] content = readFile() //这里读取文件为字节

    byte[] content = readFile() //Read file as bytes hereHttpClient client = new HttpClient();
    client.setRequestHeader("key", key);
    client.setRequestHeader("client_id", client_id);
    client.setRequestHeader("direction_id", direction_id);
    String result = client.sendHttpRequest(" https://0x0.st", HttpMethod.POST, ByteBuffer.wrap(content));
    System.out.println("Upload result: " + result); //If you expect any textual reply
    System.out.println("Upload HTTP response" + client.getLastResponseCode() + " " + client.getLastResponseMessage());

Here is Javadoc for HttpClient class.这是HttpClient class 的 Javadoc。 The library could be obtained as Maven artifacts or from Github , including source code and Javadoc该库可以作为Maven 工件或从Github 获得,包括源代码和 Javadoc

Try this:尝试这个:

public static String uploadFile(String path, ContentType contentType) throws IOException {
    File file = new File(path);
    URI serverURL = URI.create("https://0x0.st/");
    try(CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()) {
        MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
        builder.addBinaryBody("file", file, contentType, file.getName());
        HttpEntity requestEntity = builder.build();
        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(serverURL);
        try(CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(post)) {
            HttpEntity responseEntity = response.getEntity();
            int responseCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
            String responseString = EntityUtils.toString(responseEntity, "UTF-8");
            if(responseCode == 200)
                return responseString;
            else throw new RuntimeException(responseCode + ": " + responseString);

The key for your upload must be file , url or shorten , otherwise you will get a 400 bad request response.您上传的密钥必须是fileurlshort ,否则您将收到 400 bad request响应。 If the request is successful, the provided code returns the URL for your uploaded file.如果请求成功,则提供的代码会为您上传的文件返回 URL。

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