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如何更新我的 Microsoft Store 应用程序描述?

[英]How can I update my Microsoft Store application description?

I have logged into the Partner Center and cannot find a method to update the description for my app.我已登录合作伙伴中心,但找不到更新我的应用程序说明的方法。 Is this something that is done in the Partner Center or is this something that needs to be done during packaging within Visual Studio?这是在合作伙伴中心完成的事情,还是需要在 Visual Studio 中打包期间完成的事情?

  1. Log in to the Microsoft Partner Centre登录到 Microsoft 合作伙伴中心
  2. Find your app找到你的应用
  3. Click on "Update" from the "Application Overview" tab单击“应用程序概述”选项卡中的“更新”
  4. Go to "Store Listings" Go 到“商店列表”
  5. Click on "add/remove languages"点击“添加/删除语言”
  6. Click on the language you would like to update such as "English (United States)"单击您要更新的语言,例如“英语(美国)”
  7. Update your description更新您的描述

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