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能够从 stl 遍历 c++ map,但无法分配值或打印出 ZA2F2ED4F8EBC04614C21A2DDC 变量

[英]Able to iterate through c++ map from stl, but unable to asign values or print out class variables

I am currently trying to use the map provided from the c++ stl.我目前正在尝试使用 c++ stl 提供的 map。 My key value pair are both a pointer to a custom object.我的键值对都是指向自定义 object 的指针。 I am able to store data into the map, and also successfully iterate through all the keys and values of the map.我能够将数据存储到 map 中,并且还成功地遍历了 map 的所有键和值。 However, whenever I attempt to access one of the values member variables in the map through its key I get the following runtime error:但是,每当我尝试通过其键访问 map 中的值成员变量之一时,我都会收到以下运行时错误:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)分段错误(核心转储)

I am using a custom comparator for the map.我正在为 map 使用自定义比较器。 I believe this is where the issue is arising.我相信这就是问题所在。 I believe this becasue whenever I run the code without the custom comparator the error goes away.我相信这是因为每当我在没有自定义比较器的情况下运行代码时,错误就会消失。

Note that the use of the Eigen library is just being used for linear algebra purposes.请注意,Eigen 库的使用仅用于线性代数目的。 Please try to look past it in the example code, as it is just being used in my particular implementation to the problem I am trying to solve.请尝试在示例代码中查看它,因为它只是在我的特定实现中用于我试图解决的问题。

Please use the following code for context:请使用以下代码作为上下文:

 #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <Eigen/Dense> #include <vector> #include "A_star.h" using namespace std; struct NodeCostPointer { bool operator()(star::Node* const& a,star::Node* const& b){ return a->f_cost >= b->f_cost; int main() { Eigen::Matrix<float,3,3> obj; obj(0,0) = 3360; obj(1,0) = 3360; obj(2,0) = 3360; obj(0,1) = 7000; obj(1,1) = 7000; obj(2,1) = 7000; obj(0,2) = 5280; obj(1,2) = 5280; obj(2,2) = 5280; Eigen::Matrix<float,3,1> end; end(0) = 12300; end(1) = 12300; end(2) = 12300; Eigen::Matrix<float,3,1> start; start(0) = -.8; start(1) = -.8; start(2) = -.8; map<star::Node*,star::Node*, NodeCostPointer> test; star::Node* nodetest = new star::Node(start,6,0); star::Node* nodetest2 = new star::Node(end,6,0); star::Node* nodetest3 = new star::Node(start,5,std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()); test[nodetest] = nodetest3; test[nodetest2] = nodetest3; // error occurs here: cout << test[nodetest]->f_cost << endl; // or test[nodetest]->f_cost = 4; map<star::Node*,star::Node*,NodeCostPointer>::iterator itt; for(itt=test.begin();itt.=test;end();itt++){ cout << itt->first->cordinates << endl; cout << " \n"; } return 0

Implementation of Node class:节点class的实现:

 star::Node::Node(Eigen::Matrix<float,3,1> _cordinates, float _h_cost, float _g_cost): cordinates {_cordinates}, h_cost {_h_cost}, g_cost {_g_cost}{ f_cost = h_cost+g_cost; obstical = false; closedNode = false; };

Thank you @timl and others for pointing me the correct direction.感谢@timl 和其他人为我指出正确的方向。 The problem was due to not satisfying the strict weak ordering requirement for comparison.问题是由于不满足严格的弱排序要求进行比较。 Changing the comparator to the following seems to have made everything work:将比较器更改为以下内容似乎使一切正常:

 struct NodeCostPointer { bool operator()(star::Node* const& a,star::Node* const& b){ return std::tie(a->f_cost,a->h_cost,a->cordinates(0)) < std::tie(b->f_cost,b->h_cost,b->cordinates(0)); }

After learning about how this notation works I decided to add additional things for comparison ie h_cost and coordinates.在了解了这种表示法的工作原理后,我决定添加额外的东西进行比较,即 h_cost 和坐标。 However, not including them would have of course also worked.但是,不包括它们当然也可以。

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