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在 pygame 中显示的缓冲区未在 tkinter 中显示

[英]A buffer which shows in pygame does not display in tkinter

The code below illustrates a buffer which displays with pygame.image.frombuffer but not with tkinter PhotoImage下面的代码说明了一个缓冲区,它显示为 pygame.image.frombuffer 但不显示 tkinter PhotoImage

 import chess, chess.svg, pylunasvg as pl from tkinter import Tk, PhotoImage # This is where I create the buffer board = chess.Board(chess.STARTING_FEN) svg_text = chess.svg.board(board, size=400) document = pl.Document.loadFromData(svg_text) byts = bytes(document.renderToBitmap()) #Now that I have this raster buffer 'byts' surf = pygame.image.frombuffer(byt, (400, 400), 'RGBA') #works root = Tk() PhotoImage(data=byt) #raises an error about the image

I know this is as a result of something I don't know about tkinter.我知道这是因为我不了解 tkinter。 I would really appreciate that you point out what is wrong and what I can do.我真的很感激你指出什么是错的以及我能做什么。 Thanks in advance提前致谢

PhotoImage 's argument must be a file path. PhotoImage的参数必须是文件路径。 However, there is a solution using a PLI image.但是,有一个使用 PLI 图像的解决方案。 See Tkinter PhotoImage .请参阅Tkinter PhotoImage Make a PLI image form the buffer and use that image to create an ImageTk.PhotoImage object:从缓冲区制作 PLI 图像并使用该图像创建ImageTk.PhotoImage object:

 from PIL import Image, ImageTk
 image = Image.frombytes('RGBA', (400, 400), byt, 'raw') root = Tk() photo_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)

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