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[英]React router: no matching routes when using descendent routes

So I am making this project where I want to go to a path which has a breadcrumb component.因此,我正在制作这个项目,我想将 go 指向具有面包屑组件的路径。 And in that component I want to declare 3 paths which is accessible only in that page.在该组件中,我想声明 3 个路径,这些路径只能在该页面中访问。 kinda similar to this page: Publications |有点类似于此页面:出版物 |Stanford Ultrasound Imaging & Instrumentation Lab |斯坦福超声成像与仪器实验室 |Stanford Medicine .So for that I used react router v6 descendent routes.斯坦福医学。因此,我使用了反应路由器 v6 后代路由。 The breadcrumb component is showing but whenever I click any of the breadcrumb links, the child component is not rendering.面包屑组件正在显示,但每当我单击任何面包屑链接时,子组件都不会呈现。 It is giving me the error 'No matching routes found /pathnameundefinedundefined'Here is what I have done so far.(where the parent element has been declared)它给了我错误'找不到匹配的路由/pathnameundefinedundefined'这是我到目前为止所做的。(已声明父元素的位置)

import {
 Link as RouterLink,
} from "react-router-dom";

import { TransitionGroup, CSSTransition } from "react-transition-group";
import "./sidebar-animation.css";

export default function Sidebar() {
 let location = useLocation();

 return (
 <Box width='100%' minHeight='100vh'>
 <Routes location={location.pathname}>
 <Route path='/' element={<AboutUs />} />
 <Route path='publications/*' element={<Publications />} /> //used the wildcard


and in the publications component在出版物组件中

import { Text, Box } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { Link, Routes, Route, useLocation } from "react-router-dom"; 
import { Breadcrumb, BreadcrumbItem, BreadcrumbLink } from "@chakra-ui/react"; 
import { TransitionGroup, CSSTransition } from "react-transition-group";
import FeatPublications from "./Featured Publications/featured-publications"; import JournalPublications from "./Journal Publications/journal-publications";

export default function Publications() { 
let location = useLocation(); 
return (
     <div id='publications'>

 <Box textAlign='center' mt={10}>  
 <Text fontSize='3xl' as='u' color='blue' fontFamily='Fjord One'>  
 <Box marginTop='6px' marginRight='6px'>  
 <Breadcrumb fontWeight='medium' fontSize='sm'>  
 <BreadcrumbItem isCurrentPage>  
 <BreadcrumbLink as={Link} to='/featured-publications'>  
              Journal Papers  


 <BreadcrumbLink as={Link} to='/journal-publications'>  
              Conference Proceedings  


 <BreadcrumbLink as={Link} to='/featured-publications'>  
              Book Contributions  
 element={<FeatPublications />}  
 element={<JournalPublications />}  

Am I using the link wrong?我使用的链接错误吗? Need some help regarding this.需要一些帮助。

The value of argument to in the BreadcrumbLink is wrong. BreadcrumbLink的参数值是错误的。 As actual link will be the path followed by /publications path because the route under publications is descendants of path /publications .由于实际链接将是/publications path 后面的路径,因为 Publications 下的路由是路径/publications的后代。

<BreadcrumbLink as={Link} to='/publications/journal-publications'>  
              Conference Proceedings  
<BreadcrumbLink as={Link} to='/publications/featured-publications'>  
              Book Contributions  

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