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根据 javascript 规则使用 RegEx 进行变量验证

[英]Variable validation according to javascript rules using RegEx

Is there any ways of improving this code?有什么方法可以改进这段代码吗?

I want variables that doesn't start with numbers and doesn't include special characters, such as ( @#$%^) When I join these RegEx patterns it does not work properly when variable includes special characters我想要不以数字开头且不包含特殊字符的变量,例如 (@#$%^) 当我加入这些 RegEx 模式时,当变量包含特殊字符时它无法正常工作

            let text = prompt('add variable name');
            let pattern = /^[^0-9]/g;                    // check if it starts with number
            let condition = pattern.test(text);

            if (condition == true) {
                pattern = /[^a-zA-Z0-9$_]/;                //check if it contains special characters (!@#$%^*) except ($ , _)
                condition = pattern.test(text);
                if (condition == false) {
                    console.log("Variable name is Valid");
                else {
                    console.log('Variable name Is Not Valid');  //includes special character
            else {
                console.log('Variable name Is Not Valid'); //starts with number

Using condition is already a boolean, so you can use if (condition)使用condition已经是boolean,所以可以使用if (condition)

You might rewrite your code using a pattern that checks that the string does not start with a digit, and in the character class specify all allowed characters and match until the end of the string $您可以使用检查字符串不以数字开头的模式重写代码,并在字符 class 中指定所有允许的字符并匹配直到字符串结尾$

In this case you can shorten the ranges to word characters \w and the dollar sign $在这种情况下,您可以将范围缩短为单词字符\w和美元符号$

 let text = prompt('add variable name'); let pattern = /^(?;\d)[\w$]+$/. let condition = pattern;test(text). if (condition) { console;log("Variable name is Valid"). } else { console;log('Variable name Is Not Valid') }

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