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Yubikey PIV “智能卡无法执行请求的操作。”

[英]Yubikey PIV "The smartcard cannot perform the requested operation."

I am trying to use a Yubikey to authenticate with Microsoft's AAD CBA however when I connect the Yubikey I get the error:我正在尝试使用 Yubikey 与 Microsoft 的AAD CBA进行身份验证,但是当我连接 Yubikey 时出现错误:

The Smart card cannot perform the requested operation or the operation requires a different smart card智能卡无法执行请求的操作或该操作需要不同的智能卡智能卡无法执行请求的操作或该操作需要不同的智能卡

To troubleshoot I have made sure the certificate is in the yubikey using Yubico's tool:为了排除故障,我使用 Yubico 的工具确保证书在 yubikey 中: Yubico的工具输出

as well as verified that the yubikey smart card minidriver is installed in the PC's Device manager.并验证 yubikey 智能卡微型驱动程序已安装在 PC 的设备管理器中。 设备管理器截图

I did notice that also the Microsoft USbccid smartcard read was added to the device manager when the Yubikey was connected.我确实注意到当连接 Yubikey 时,Microsoft USbccid 智能卡读取也被添加到设备管理器中。

Any guidance if this is a driver issue or something else I should look at would be appreciated.如果这是驱动程序问题或我应该查看的其他内容,我们将不胜感激。

Edit: Following the troubleshooting of this page https://github.com/Yubico/yubikey-piv-manager/issues/24 I changed the yubikey registry keys to use msclmd.dll instead of the yubikey minidriver and was able was able to get certutil info to recognize the certificate.编辑:在此页面https://github.com/Yubico/yubikey-piv-manager/issues/24的故障排除之后,我将 yubikey 注册表项更改为使用 msclmd.dll 而不是 yubikey 微型驱动程序,并且能够获得certutil info 来识别证书。 There那里

The Microsoft Smart Card Resource Manager is running.
Current reader/card status:
Readers: 1
  0: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0
--- Reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0
--- Status: The card is being shared by a process.
---   Card: YubiKey Smart Card
---    ATR:
        3b fd 13 00 00 81 31 fe  15 80 73 c0 21 c0 57 59   ;.....1...s.!.WY
        75 62 69 4b 65 79 40                               ubiKey@

Analyzing card in reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0
PS C:\Users\igalf> certutil -scinfo
The Microsoft Smart Card Resource Manager is running.
Current reader/card status:
Readers: 1
  0: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0
--- Reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0
--- Status: The card is being shared by a process.
---   Card: YubiKey Smart Card
---    ATR:
        3b fd 13 00 00 81 31 fe  15 80 73 c0 21 c0 57 59   ;.....1...s.!.WY
        75 62 69 4b 65 79 40                               ubiKey@

Analyzing card in reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0

================ Certificate 0 ================
--- Reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0
---   Card: YubiKey Smart Card
Provider = Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider
Key Container = (null) [Default Container]

Cannot open the AT_SIGNATURE key for reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0
PS C:\Users\igalf> certutil -scinfo
The Microsoft Smart Card Resource Manager is running.
Current reader/card status:
Readers: 1
  0: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0
--- Reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0
--- Status: The card is being shared by a process.
---   Card: YubiKey Smart Card
---    ATR:
        3b fd 13 00 00 81 31 fe  15 80 73 c0 21 c0 57 59   ;.....1...s.!.WY
        75 62 69 4b 65 79 40                               ubiKey@

Analyzing card in reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0

================ Certificate 0 ================
--- Reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0
---   Card: YubiKey Smart Card
Provider = Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider
Key Container = 732e006f-1df6-434f-870d-ac7ad05fc105 [Default Container]

No AT_SIGNATURE key for reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0
Serial Number: 2000000015eb9e5f830f3b8636000000000015
Issuer: CN=same-CA, DC=same, DC=domain
 NotBefore: 7/25/2022 11:47 AM
 NotAfter: 7/25/2023 11:47 AM
Subject: CN=me@codingflamingogmail.onmicrosoft.com
Non-root Certificate
Cert Hash(sha1): aae49e206c1fbcac5595e966bb806558317f0518

Performing AT_KEYEXCHANGE public key matching test...
Public key matching test succeeded
  Key Container = 732e006f-1df6-434f-870d-ac7ad05fc105
  Provider = Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider
  ProviderType = 1
  Flags = 1
    0x1 (1)
  KeySpec = 1 -- AT_KEYEXCHANGE
Private key verifies

Performing cert chain verification...
CertGetCertificateChain(dwErrorStatus) = 0x1000040
Chain on smart card is invalid
dwFlags = CA_VERIFY_FLAGS_CONSOLE_TRACE (0x20000000)
dwFlags = CA_VERIFY_FLAGS_DUMP_CHAIN (0x40000000)
-------- CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT --------
ChainContext.dwInfoStatus = CERT_TRUST_HAS_PREFERRED_ISSUER (0x100)
ChainContext.dwErrorStatus = CERT_TRUST_REVOCATION_STATUS_UNKNOWN (0x40)
ChainContext.dwErrorStatus = CERT_TRUST_IS_OFFLINE_REVOCATION (0x1000000)

SimpleChain.dwInfoStatus = CERT_TRUST_HAS_PREFERRED_ISSUER (0x100)
SimpleChain.dwErrorStatus = CERT_TRUST_IS_OFFLINE_REVOCATION (0x1000000)

CertContext[0][0]: dwInfoStatus=102 dwErrorStatus=1000040
  Issuer: CN=same-CA, DC=same, DC=domain
  NotBefore: 7/25/2022 11:47 AM
  NotAfter: 7/25/2023 11:47 AM
  Subject: CN=me@codingflamingogmail.onmicrosoft.com
  Serial: 2000000015eb9e5f830f3b8636000000000015
  SubjectAltName: Other Name:Principal Name=me@codingflamingogmail.onmicrosoft.com
  Cert: aae49e206c1fbcac5595e966bb806558317f0518
  Element.dwInfoStatus = CERT_TRUST_HAS_KEY_MATCH_ISSUER (0x2)
  Element.dwInfoStatus = CERT_TRUST_HAS_PREFERRED_ISSUER (0x100)
  Element.dwErrorStatus = CERT_TRUST_IS_OFFLINE_REVOCATION (0x1000000)
  Application[0] = Smart Card Logon
  Application[1] = Client Authentication

CertContext[0][1]: dwInfoStatus=10c dwErrorStatus=0
  Issuer: CN=same-CA, DC=same, DC=domain
  NotBefore: 7/23/2022 10:09 PM
  NotAfter: 7/23/2027 10:19 PM
  Subject: CN=same-CA, DC=same, DC=domain
  Serial: 22186ead3636cda04a63b3d2357bc2e7
  Cert: b64f289bdf0fe3bb54638a928a5e8c37f1418931
  Element.dwInfoStatus = CERT_TRUST_HAS_NAME_MATCH_ISSUER (0x4)
  Element.dwInfoStatus = CERT_TRUST_IS_SELF_SIGNED (0x8)
  Element.dwInfoStatus = CERT_TRUST_HAS_PREFERRED_ISSUER (0x100)

Exclude leaf cert:
  Chain: aae49e206c1fbcac5595e966bb806558317f0518
Full chain:
  Chain: 4be2869ed0c351f6686e3aaf16fd4f5d8b715a50
  Issuer: CN=same-CA, DC=same, DC=domain
  NotBefore: 7/25/2022 11:47 AM
  NotAfter: 7/25/2023 11:47 AM
  Subject: CN=me@codingflamingogmail.onmicrosoft.com
  Serial: 2000000015eb9e5f830f3b8636000000000015
  SubjectAltName: Other Name:Principal Name=me@codingflamingogmail.onmicrosoft.com
  Cert: aae49e206c1fbcac5595e966bb806558317f0518
The revocation function was unable to check revocation because the revocation server was offline. 0x80092013 (-2146885613 CRYPT_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE)
Revocation check skipped -- server offline
Displayed AT_KEYEXCHANGE cert for reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0

================ Certificate 0 ================
--- Reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0
---   Card: YubiKey Smart Card
Provider = Microsoft Smart Card Key Storage Provider
Key Container = 36736414-a18e-4d23-add2-a9c7515fc105

Cannot open the  key for reader: Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 0


CertUtil: -SCInfo command completed successfully.

However as you can see it says that it cannot find the second certificate (idk what certificate is stored in that container since I am just using 9a).但是,正如您所看到的,它说它找不到第二个证书(idk 什么证书存储在该容器中,因为我只使用 9a)。 and I still get the same error with AAD CBA.我仍然遇到与 AAD CBA 相同的错误。

After Contacting Yubico Support it was discovered that this was caused by changing the Management Key.联系 Yubico 支持后,发现这是由更改管理密钥引起的。 The Yubico Minidriver expects the management Key to be the default and it protects it with the PIN. Yubico Minidriver 期望管理密钥为默认值,并使用 PIN 对其进行保护。 Re-installing the minidriver and leaving the default management fixed the issue.重新安装微型驱动程序并保留默认管理解决了该问题。

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