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[英]Search and replace backslash except one thing

I want to replace \ with \\ except \N .我想将\替换为\\除了\N So I got so far所以我到目前为止

sed ‘s/\\/\\\\/g’

But I'm not sure how to add ignore但我不确定如何添加忽略


aa  \N  aa
\N  aa  aa
aa  aa  \N
\N  \N  aa
\N  aa  \N
aa  \N  \N
\N  \N  \N
aa  aa  aa
\N  bb  \N
\       aa

should be:应该:

aa  \N  aa
\N  aa  aa
aa  aa  \N
\N  \N  aa
\N  aa  \N
aa  \N  \N
\N  \N  \N
aa  aa  aa
\N  bb  \N
\\      aa

You could do:你可以这样做:

echo '\ \\ \N \\N' |
sed -E 's/\\(N)|(\\)/\\\1\2/g'
\\ \\\\ \N \\\N

You could try this 's/\/\([^N]\)/\/\/\1/'你可以试试这个's/\/\([^N]\)/\/\/\1/'

Simple match / and the character after, requiring to not match N character.简单匹配/和后面的字符,要求不匹配N字符。

The matched character (other from N ) will be stroed in captureing group and can be used in replacement with \1 :)匹配的字符(来自N的其他字符)将在捕获组中进行搜索,并可用于替换\1 :)

Results from sed.js.org: sed.js.org 的结果:


What you need is a negative lookahead , which is a way to say: I want to match a pattern that is not followed by something .你需要的是一个否定的lookahead ,这是一种表达方式:我想匹配一个没有被某些东西跟随的模式

As far as I know, sed does not support lookarounds, but you can keep most of your syntax with this perl command:据我所知, sed不支持环视,但您可以使用此perl命令保留大部分语法:

perl -pe 's/\\(?!N)/\\\\/g'

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