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如何使用 Apple Watch 高频测量海拔变化

[英]How to measure change in altitude at high frequency with Apple Watch

I am trying to measure changes in altitude with an Apple Watch in a sport activity (Kite Surfing).我正在尝试使用 Apple Watch 在体育活动(风筝冲浪)中测量高度变化。 Currently my App is just collecting data for analysis.目前我的应用程序只是收集数据进行分析。 I am recording barometric and GPS altitude for comparison at a frequency of 10 measurements per second.我正在以每秒 10 次测量的频率记录气压和 GPS 高度以进行比较。 Basically, it works and data is recorded, but it seems these data are just worthless.基本上,它可以工作并记录数据,但似乎这些数据一文不值。 In both measurements there are sudden jumps in the dataset of up to +-10m and spikes in GPS readings of up to 75m.在这两个测量中,数据集中出现高达 +-10m 的突然跳跃,GPS 读数中出现高达 75m 的峰值。 Does anyone have an idea how to get somehow accurate readings?有谁知道如何以某种方式获得准确的读数? I basically do not care about absolute altitude;我基本上不关心绝对高度; I am just interested in the change of altitude.我只是对海拔的变化感兴趣。

Use startRelativeAltitudeUpdates(to:withHandler:) and when your done remember to stopRelativeAltitudeUpdates()使用startRelativeAltitudeUpdates(to:withHandler:)完成后记得stopRelativeAltitudeUpdates()

Here is a link to doc .这是doc 的链接

Also you can ignore anomalies.您也可以忽略异常。 for example: if the max possible change in altitude in 100 milliseconds is 2 meters (72 km/h).例如:如果 100 毫秒内的最大可能高度变化为 2 米(72 公里/小时)。 Then if you see any changes more than 2 meters in 100 millisecond just ignore the data and wait for the next reading.然后,如果您在 100 毫秒内看到任何超过 2 米的变化,只需忽略数据并等待下一次读数。 remember when you ignore one reading to account for the time difference.请记住,当您忽略一个读数以解释时差时。

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