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如何自动为 JabRef 上的所有条目添加花括号?

[英]How to automatically add curly braces to all entries on JabRef?

When I download a.bib item from IEEEExplore, the paper title gets formatted in lowercase even if original title is not capitalized - in order to keep original formatting, I have to manually add curly brackets around the title.当我从 IEEEExplore 下载 a.bib 项目时,即使原始标题未大写,论文标题也会被格式化为小写 - 为了保持原始格式,我必须在标题周围手动添加大括号。 How do I set up JabRef to add curly braces to all the library entries so to keep the title capitalized?如何设置 JabRef 以将花括号添加到所有库条目以保持标题大写?

I believe this is a known JabRef missing feature, see here:我相信这是一个已知的 JabRef 缺失功能,请参见此处:

https://discourse.jabref.org/t/add-around-capital-letters-automatically/222 https://discourse.jabref.org/t/add-around-capital-letters-automatically/222

To cleanup existing entries by adding braces around capitals, one could hope to use Quality > Cleanup Entries and then some field formatters.要通过在大写字母周围添加大括号来清理现有条目,可能希望使用Quality > Cleanup Entries ,然后使用一些字段格式化程序。 However, the current field formatters contain "Unprotect terms" and not the opposite.但是,当前的字段格式化程序包含“取消保护条款”,而不是相反。

I there there is a reason for JabRef not to automatically protect all capitals it encounters, which is that it might be desirable not to force capitalization everywhere, in order to respect conventions from specific citation styles.我有理由让 JabRef 不自动保护它遇到的所有大写字母,这可能是最好不要在任何地方强制大写,以便尊重特定引用 styles 的约定。 Protection then should be used mostly for "protected terms" like abbreviations, etc.保护应该主要用于“受保护的术语”,如缩写等。

Jabref does provide this feature: Options > Preferences > Protected terms files . Jabref 确实提供了此功能: Options > Preferences > Protected terms files You can add new files if needed.如果需要,您可以添加新文件。

Of course, if the IEEE entry had curly braces and JabRef removes them, then I think that should count as a bug.当然,如果 IEEE 条目有花括号并且 JabRef 删除了它们,那么我认为这应该算作一个错误。

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