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在 Spring 引导中未检测到 FreeMarker 模板

[英]FreeMarker template not detected in Spring Boot

I`m trying to build an app with spring boot using freemarker as template engine.我正在尝试使用 freemarker 作为模板引擎构建一个 spring 引导的应用程序。 I am using Gradle.我正在使用 Gradle。

This is the @RestController class这是@RestController class

public class CodeController {
    private CodeService codeService;

    public CodeController(@Autowired CodeService codeService) {
        this.codeService = codeService;

    @GetMapping(value = "/code/{id}")
    public String getCode(Model model, @PathVariable int id) {
        List<CodeSnippet> codeSnippets = codeService.getCodeSnippet(id);

        model.addAttribute("codeSnippets", codeSnippets);
        return "getcode";



And this is the FreeMarker template file getcode.ftlh这是 FreeMarker 模板文件 getcode.ftlh

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" >
        #load_date {
            color: green;

        pre {
            margin-top: 0;
            border: solid black 1px;
            background-color: lightgray;
            padding: .3em
<#list codeSniptets as codeSnippte>
    <span id=\"load_date\">${codeSnippte.date}</span>
    <pre id=\"code_snippet\">${codeSnippte.code}</pre>


Spring boot should load the codeSnipptets list to the template. Spring 引导应将 codeSnipptets 列表加载到模板。 However, I just receive "getcode" string as the output instead of the HTML page when the page loaded with a browser or postman.但是,当页面使用浏览器或 postman 加载时,我只收到“getcode”字符串作为 output 而不是 HTML 页面。

Not sure what I am doing wrong.不知道我做错了什么。

I hope you already configures FreeMarkerViewResolver我希望你已经配置了 FreeMarkerViewResolver

and instead of RestController use Controller而不是 RestController 使用 Controller

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