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如何访问通过 azure 文件共享上传到数据存储区的数据?

[英]How do i access data that has been uploaded to datastore via azure file share?

Uploaded a bunch of csvs to azure file share data store.将一堆 csv 上传到 azure 文件共享数据存储。 how can I access the data from the datastore in a script?如何在脚本中访问数据存储区中的数据?

#upload csv to datastore
datastore = ws.get_default_datastore()
ds=Dataset.File.upload_directory(data_loacation,target,overwrite=True,show_progress = True)

You need to Create an Azure Files Datastore.您需要创建 Azure 文件数据存储。 Below is the sample code to create Azure Files Datastore.下面是创建 Azure 文件数据存储的示例代码。

from azure.ai.ml.entities import AzureFileDatastore
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient

ml_client = MLClient.from_config()

store = AzureFileDatastore(
    description="Datastore pointing to an Azure File Share.",
        "account_key": "XXXxxxXXXxXXXXxxXXXXXxXXXXXxXxXXXXxxxxxXXxxxxxxXXXxXXX"


For more information follow this Official documentation有关更多信息,请遵循此官方文档


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