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是否可以在 streamlit 中创建像这样的不可编辑的文本框? St.write 只会写,但我需要在文本框中

[英]Is it possible to create a non-editable text box like this in streamlit ? St.write would only write but i need it in a text box

Is it possible to create a non-editable text box like this in streamlit:是否可以在 streamlit 中创建一个像这样的不可编辑的文本框:


St.write would only write but I need it in a text box. St.write 只会写,但我需要它在文本框中。

You can use a markdown and put it in expander.您可以使用 markdown 并将其放入扩展器中。


import streamlit as st

percentage_value = 9

with st.expander('', expanded=True):
    ##### Percentage of members with goals
    <ul style="padding-left:20px">
      <li>The percentage of members with goals in june 2020</br>
          has increased by {percentage_value} percentage.
      <li>The percentage of members with goals is 98.</li>
    ''', unsafe_allow_html=True)

Output Output


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