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Laravel 5.5.50 不重置密码

[英]Laravel 5.5.50 not resetting password

Good day programmers, I have this laravel project I downloaded online.程序员们好日子,我有这个在线下载的 laravel 项目。 Its version is 5.5.50.它的版本是 5.5.50。 When resetting the password, normally everything goes fine;重置密码时,通常一切正常;

  1. I clicked on forgot password我点击忘记密码
  2. I put my email and send password reset link我把我的 email 并发送密码重置链接
  3. I go to my email and click the link我 go 到我的 email 并点击链接
  4. The link takes me to reset page then I put my new password该链接将我带到重置页面,然后我输入新密码
  5. The password change is successful then it redirects me to my user dashboard密码更改成功,然后将我重定向到我的用户仪表板

But when I logout and login again with the new password, it says incorrect.但是当我注销并使用新密码再次登录时,它说不正确。 In fact the password was not changed at all.事实上,密码根本没有改变。 How do I rectify this please.请问我该如何纠正这个问题。 I am new to laravel我是 laravel 的新手

As this is a custom project that you've "Downloaded Online", I don't believe there's much that StackOverflow can help with, as there are chances that this 'Project' has had core code modified.由于这是您“在线下载”的自定义项目,我不相信 StackOverflow 可以提供很多帮助,因为这个“项目”有可能修改了核心代码。

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