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如何将图像添加到 react-native-maps

[英]How to add image to react-native-maps

I'm using react-native-maps to deal with maps.我正在使用react-native-maps来处理地图。 Now I want to add bunch of images like a polygon to map.现在我想向 map 添加一堆像多边形这样的图像。 For existing polygon, it has something like:对于现有的多边形,它具有以下内容:


I want to replace that with the polygon below.我想用下面的多边形替换它。


Can we add image with defined coordinates, like polygon?我们可以添加定义坐标的图像,比如多边形吗? (I know we can define polygon position by adding array of coordinates for react native , but for images I don't know) (我知道我们可以通过为react native添加坐标数组来定义多边形 position ,但对于我不知道的图像)

is the image a.tif?图像是 .tif 吗? is it georeferenced?有地理参考吗? You could use something like MapTiler to georeference the image , then publish to the map using UrlTiles您可以使用MapTiler 之类的东西对图像进行地理配准,然后使用 UrlTiles 发布到map

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